Federlegno, the Re-Design project for the end-of-life of furniture products

Is called Re-Design and it is the project to give life to a Consortium designed and developed to deal with the end of life of the furniture product within the supply chain presented …

Federlegno, the Re-Design project for the end-of-life of furniture products

Is called Re-Design and it is the project to give life to a Consortium designed and developed to deal with the end of life of the furniture product within the supply chain presented at the annual meeting of FederlegnoArredo during the talk entitled “Sustainable talks. An innovative and cutting-edge look at ESG principles”. Consortium which has the concrete objective of support businesses of furniture in the full transition towards thecircular economy through a collective system which will allow them to be ready for a possible future development of extended responsibility in the sector by the legislator. The Consortium will be able to operate throughout the national territory, guaranteeing both the withdrawthe collectionThe recovery and the Recycle of waste furniture and other furnishing products that the reuse of furniture and other furnishing products, accelerating the transition of a sector already strongly committed in this direction.

Claudio Feltrin - Federlegno

“It is an ambitious project that presupposes an important paradigm shift according to which every producer is called to pay for the environmental impacts for which it is responsible – has explained Claudio Feltrinpresident of FederlegnoArredo, to associates and stakeholders in the context of theH-Farm from Roncade, in Treviso -. We decided to take charge of it and we can proudly say that we are working for the definition of the Consortium Statute which will then have to be followed by the drafting of the regulationo. The presence of the Deputy Minister for the Environment Vannia Gava, whom we thank for her availability, is fundamental now, as it has been in recent months when at the Salone del Mobile she defined this idea ‘a positive example in terms of sustainability and producer responsibility regarding waste management‘ and on that same occasion he declared that the hope was that ‘in June we were able to present an EPR model for the furniture sector‘. FederlegnoArredo has kept its promise.”

“The Italian companiesand they know anticipate the market and keep up with the challenges to which we are called. The FederlegnoArredo project – said the vice-minister in his speech at the assembly Vannia Gava – is an excellent example of this and will allow us to Accelerate sustainability goals of the entire sector and to renew the strategies of the entire furniture supply chain, fully interpreting the concept of circular economy. We will start now a experimental projectand, with a program agreement, which can lay the foundations for a new EPR in a key sector for Made in Italy”.

Maria Porro-president-Assarredo

“The objective – he underlined Mary Porropresident of Assarredo – is to ensure that the Extended Producer Responsibility Becomes a Strategic Opportunity that accompanies the transformation of the sector towards a real and full circular economy.

An opportunity for renewal that Assarredo has decided to seize in the interest of the companies it represents, with an increasingly circular vision of the production model and with an approach that starts from the bottom. I thank Deputy Minister Gava for his words that confirm our foresight on such a strategic issue as the EPR”.