“Why not reintroduce the Imu on the first house?”, asks to Carlo Cottarelli the journalist of The printwhich yesterday had given homeowners a day of respite – after four days of campaigning for the property tax – and today rightly resumes the journey, otherwise they will relax.
Why “it would be political suicide”, replies Cottarelli. Let’s increase inheritance tax instead!
Well! Taxes, taxes and more taxes. This time motivating them with the fact that the chosen one would be lower in Italy than in other countries.
- Fornero, the little lesson is a farce: it asks for a tax that already exists
How much the professor is missing. Francesco Forte, who taught how it is wrong to compare the individual taxes of the various countries rather than the tax systems as a whole (and therefore without considering the taxes, perhaps on the same taxable subjects or on the same tax bases, which in Italy are higher than in the countries with which the comparison is made). Also because, reasoning like Carlo Cottarelli, we would copy the highest taxes from each country and then add them up. Try to imagine the result.
Cottarelli adds that the revenue deriving from the increase ininheritance tax “it should then be used to reduce taxes on work and profits, this is because the total tax burden in Italy is already high”.
Here we go again. Instead of reducing taxes, we are thinking of moving them. There is no hope.
Giorgio Spaziani Testa, 20 January 2023
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The article Increase inheritance tax? No, thanks it comes from Nicola Porro.