Question (more assist): “You are considered a great expert on assets.”
Answer: “There is a wealth tax in almost every country. Despite the proclamations, the IMU which had to be introduced in 2011 is still more or less in force. But when Enrico Letta proposed a modest inheritance tax to help the studies of young people from the working classes, the prime minister said it was the moment to give, not to take.”
So much for “roughly”! The real estate tax introduced by the Monti government weighs 22 billion euros every year, compared to the 9 of the previous ICI. The damage it caused and continues to cause – thanks to those who established it, but also to those who did not subsequently eliminate it – are enormous. But Professor Monti is evidently not interested in this.
Equally perplexing is the exaltation of one of the most ignored, if not ridiculed, proposals of the last thirty years, that of increasing the inheritance tax to guarantee a “dowry” (as Letta defined it in 2021) to eighteen-year-olds. A gift to some at the expense of others, Like this. After all, tax payers are born. But the senator for life also deals with real estate in another passage of the river interview Courierthe one in which he is asked to give an example of a vote “bought with state money” (this is how he expresses it).
Answer: “The Superbonus. A reverse patrimonial one: taxpayers are taxed in favor of property owners. Or we increase the public debt, therefore on the backs of our children and grandchildren. And it wasn't just a mistake made by the Conte government.”
Since he has been insisting on the concept for days, someone should take the trouble to explain to the professor: a) that the contrast between taxpayers and owners is ridiculous, especially in a country where almost 80% of citizens are owners; b) that the superbonus was also provided for non-owners, such as tenants and borrowers. But, even here, prejudice prevails over common sense. is also on Whatsapp. Simply click here to subscribe to the channel and always be updated (free)