Elon Musk's latest (quite predictable) challenge: “We believe that our users have permission to create, disseminate and view sexual content that they have produced and distributed consensually,” the site said in an update to its rules of conduct titled “Adult Content,” being “adult » the Anglo-American English euphemism for “Red-rated.” And this is in fact one of the codicils of X's new porn twist which aims to “prevent these contents from being visible to children or even adult users who do not wish to be exposed to them”. The ban imposed previously on content that promotes “sexual exploitation, violations of minors and obscene behavior” remains in force. Until now, the social network had never formally banned erotic or pornographic videos or photos from its site, but neither had it officially authorized them. For Musk: «Sexual expression, whether visual or written, can be a legitimate form of artistic expression», he explained on X.
Adult material was also allowed on Twitter but there was no official policy on the matter. From now on, photos or videos “depicting adult nudity or sexual acts of a pornographic nature or likely to arouse sexual arousal” will be clearly permitted.