No to ecologism that turns off the heaters

Dear Director Feltri,the mayor of Milan and his council never miss an opportunity to demonstrate great acumen and wisdom. They have established that, since it is cold, the heating will be able to …

No to ecologism that turns off the heaters

Dear Director Feltri,
the mayor of Milan and his council never miss an opportunity to demonstrate great acumen and wisdom. They have established that, since it is cold, the heating will be able to be turned on from October 15th, that is in a week, regardless of the fact that the cold is now, not in a week, in the meantime stay in the cold, dear Milanese! Then he established that the maximum temperature in the home must be 19 degrees, but in the RSAs it can heat up more; as if all the elderly were in RSAs! What about the elderly at home (who are the vast majority)? Well, let them stay in the cold, who cares! The same goes for kindergartens; and the younger children who don’t go to nursery yet? Is it right for them to stay in the cold? Then again, if they get sick, it’s worse for them.
And then, an ingenious idea for reducing pollution: heating at maximum for 13 hours instead of 14 hours last year; finally a decisive measure for Milan’s pollution. It would be laughable if it weren’t for the fact that, with a council like this, who still wants to laugh?
Giancarlo Rosazza

Dear Giancarlo,
express widespread discontent with a Milanese administration whose bizarre choices are surprising, evidently dictated not by the aim of protecting the well-being of citizens but by the ideology, which is placed on the podium of progressives’ priorities. Every political decision must respond to this logic, that is, it must be functional to red ideology, which today prescribes that the living and livability conditions of a place are linked to the sacred war against climate change. What is considered suitable to combat global warming is also considered virtuous and right, regardless of the effects it will produce on safety, on roads, on citizens’ pockets, on their health.

Sala’s provision, to which you are referring, is merely a demonstrative action, which serves to show how green, ecologist, attentive to the needs of the ecosystem and sensitive to certain issues the council is. No one has even thought about the fact that the elderly and children will suffer from the cold in these days and that a cold shock, in certain cases, can be fatal for particularly fragile subjects such as the sick, and that that less hour of heat will lead to a drop the temperature inside homes. After all, it is the aim pursued: to make homes colder to give relief to the planet. In the wake of this mission, deadly cycle paths have also been built between the lanes where car traffic flows, rental scooters have been placed everywhere, which in other cities, such as Paris, have been banned due to the danger of these locomotion tools , hundreds of thousands of vehicles were taken out of action because they were considered polluting, which caused damage to families. I could go on.

It would be comforting to learn that these measures have in some way improved the quality of the air, reduced pollution levels, extended the life of the planet, despite weighing on our pockets and boxes, in short, that they have represented something effective, but nothing of all this happened.

Sala’s ecological policies do not help the climate, but poison the Milanese who live in fear of suffering further sacrifices, prohibitions and harassment in the name of this new obtuse religion to which we must all subjugate, that is, in the name of climate apocalypticism.