Every now and then, although less interesting than the bad, there is also good news. Yesterday, for example, it was learned that the new Harry Potter TV series, produced by HBO, has launched a casting call for actors who will play the roles of the famous wizard, his friend Ron Weasley and the brilliant Hermione. Good: the children, aged between 9 and 11, must only be English. A healthy example of anti-Woke cinematic sovereignty. Rowling will be happy.
But be careful. The production company, to prevent possible controversy, immediately announced that it wants to commit to “inclusive and diverse casting”. That is: “without preclusion for ethnicity, sex, disability, race, sexual orientation”. Our enthusiasm as a male, white, straight, European and pro-Brexit has at this point faded a bit. We avoid an Asian Harry Potter and an Afro-Hermione, but nothing excludes the possibility of running into a Dwarf Dumbledore or an entirely LGBTQ Hogwarts class.
But then, in the end, everything is fine with us. If that’s the case, we can’t wait for the famous Disney Snow White to come out, who isn’t white but mixed-race, who saves herself without the help of Prince Charming, that unbearable chauvinist, and then the seven dwarfs who are each of a different ethnicity, including an Arab.
But it seems that Muslims complained because in the cartoon they wave Gay Pride style flags. And so everything stopped.
Another example of how, by dint of including everyone, we end up welcoming even those who don’t want us.