banks, home and excise taxes, all measures

As anticipated, both confirmed cutting the tax wedge That the merging of Irpef rateswhich alone are worth over half of the maneuver, 14 billion to be precise. As for cutting the wedge. Important help for …

banks, home and excise taxes, all measures

As anticipated, both confirmed cutting the tax wedge That the merging of Irpef rateswhich alone are worth over half of the maneuver, 14 billion to be precise. As for cutting the wedge. Important help for families comes with the “Card for newborns”i.e. a bonus of 1,000 euros for parents within the ISEE threshold of 40 thousand euros to cover the numerous expenses for each new born. With the measure, the government has also strengthened the bonus intended to support the attendance of nursery schools, also providing for the exclusion of the sums relating to the single universal allowance from the ISEE calculation. The c. has also been refinanced for 2025art “Dedicated to you”cost of 500 million.

Dossier pensions. The maneuver essentially confirms last year’s measures. The innovation concerns the strengthening of those intended for public and private workers who reach retirement age but decide to continue working. The government’s line on the public employment contractswith the allocation of resources to finance the renewal procedures. Resources also for Healthcare: the allocation has also been increased to finance the renewal of contracts, which in the next two years will be in line with nominal GDP growth.

And, again, the maneuver provides resources to ensure that, even after the end of the Pnrr, the trend of spending for public investments is consistent with the requirements of the new European governance. Going into detail, the strengthening of investments in the defense sector is expected. Finally, measures to review and streamline public administration spending are introduced.

A text “in line with the serious and responsible approach of the economic measures approved so far by the Government”, the satisfaction of Mef led by Giancarlo Giorgetti, who placed emphasis on the new framework of European rules and the economic context, negatively influenced by the global uncertainty connected to the continuation of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and the worsening of the crisis in the Middle East. is also on Whatsapp. Simply click here to subscribe to the channel and always be updated (free)