– Second Angel Bonelli Italy is allegedly contributing to the bombing of Gaza because some of the cannons mounted on Israeli corvettes were manufactured by Leonardo. The system would be as follows: “Israel asked to purchase war systems from the government of the United States of America; Washington bought them from the Italian group and diverted them to Tel Aviv, which then uses them against Gaza. So those deaths remain on the conscience of the Italian government, too, since Leonardo SpA is an Italian company whose largest shareholder is the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance, which owns about 30% of the shares”. Now. The point is that if you produce weapons you cannot think that they will be used to plow fields. Weapons are used in war, right or wrong. I understand the need not to sell ammunition to enemies, which would be idiotic. However, if the arms market exists, we must make a virtue of necessity. Otherwise, we must close shop and leave the market.
– After the attack of Solingenthe proposal of the German liberals and the SPD would be the following: it would be forbidden to carry knives with a blade longer than 6 centimeters in public. So, my friends. Killing is a crime, and the most serious of all. Yet the existence of a stringent ban like this does not prevent terrorists and madmen from killing anyone in dozens of ways: in a car, with a bomb, with pistol shots, by stabbing them. I understand the German government’s need to respond to the many attacks with bladed weapons, but banning a jihadist from carrying a knife will not prevent him from doing so. At most, it will allow the prosecutor to charge him not only with murder, but also with improper possession of a weapon. In short: the German minister’s response is convenient for newspaper headlines, but completely useless. The only solution, which even left-wing politicians seem to have arrived at by now, from Lula to Kamala Harris, via Macron and Olaf Scholz, is to reduce mass immigration. Which produces irregularity, degradation and in several cases even terrorism.
– Germany has understood that the policy of “we will make it” Angela Merkel it was madness. I expect that all those who sponsored it, elevating Angela to the godmother of the EU, while others denounced its risks, will change their minds in the face of the 13 arrests for links with ISIS, the creeping radicalization, the million immigrants, the attack in Solingen, the rapes in Cologne and the massacre at the Christmas market. Hospitality without rules is not a fairy tale, but a nightmare. And not out of racism, but out of pure realism: welcoming and integrating is sacrosanct, but no social and cultural fabric can succeed without a fair distribution of quantities. “It is the responsibility of public authorities,” Wojtyla once said, “to exercise control over migratory flows in consideration of the needs of the common good. Reception must always be carried out in compliance with the law and therefore combined, when necessary, with the firm repression of abuses.”
– Brief summary. Lula in Brazil tightens the immigration net. Olaf Scholz in Germany does the same. Kamal Harris basically he copies Trump’s ideas to try to beat Trump. Emmanuel Macron has been explaining to us in Ventimiglia for some time that he does not intend to open the doors to everyone. Now, gentlemen: can you tell us that we were right, or not?
– I read that Amnesty International he sided with Paul Durov when Russia targeted his social network, VK, because Mr. Telegram refused to give out the contacts of Ukrainians who had participated in Euromaidan. At the time he was described as a champion of freedom of expression. Now that the “regime” arresting him is the democratic French one, Amnesty is keeping quiet. Among the charges brought by the Paris prosecutors is also “refusing to provide the authorities with the requested data or documents necessary for wiretapping authorized by law”. Let’s agree: if Durov was a saint in turning Putin down when he wanted his users’ data, he must also be a saint if he refuses to hand them over to French justice. We cannot define freedom of speech and respect for privacy based on who holds power. Because that is called hypocrisy, not freedom.
– Speaking of freedom, the most sensational news today is undoubtedly this: Mark Zuckerberg he said that the White House had “pressured us to censor certain content” during the Covid-19 pandemic. “In 2021, senior Biden Administration officials repeatedly pressured our teams for months to censor certain content about Covid-19, including humor and satire, and expressed strong displeasure when we disagreed,” Mr. Fb said. “I believe the government pressure was wrong.” So it was all true, what we were denouncing. Namely, that in the name of a greater good (“protecting public health and safety,” Biden’s staff claims), we even went so far as to censor satire. A massive control over freedom of expression, at the direction of political power, moreover without a judicial decree or who knows what investigation. Tell me: exactly, at this point, what differentiates us from Putin?
– The idol of the day is a 40 year old gentleman who How he showed up at the main door of the police station and, clearly drunk, demanded the return of a set of keys that, according to him, had been confiscated by the police. The problem was that the police officers had nothing at all and he began to shower them with insults, kicks and punches. Result: the 40-year-old found the keys, but those to the prison. Genius.
– I have always been a great supporter of the right of the Church, in its expression of the CEI, to comment on anything that concerns the country. Even to engage in politics, if it deems fit. So when Francis SavinoBishop of Cassano allo Ionio, deputy of Zuppi, claims that “differentiated autonomy” is “the Trojan horse to create two Italies: one prosperous, the other abandoned to itself” is free to do so. Like us, faithful yes but also a bit black sheep, we are free to point out to His Excellency that he is saying a huge nonsense. First: North and South are already divided, in this case with the former paying taxes to support the latter. There is no “mortal danger” in granting authority and resources to whoever wants it.
If anything, it’s time for the Southern Regions to give up victimhood crybaby and roll up their sleeves. If Calabria&co are behind Lombardy and Emilia it is not Zaia or Bonaccini’s fault. But the southerners’.