The drumbeat of viral fear starts again. This time the virus which would endanger the human species comes from the West, i.e. from Brazil. It is a cocktail of pathogens transmitted by Aedes aegypty mosquito: the virus of Denguethat of Zika and that of Chikungunya. As some rather alarmist media outlets report, the most worrying thing of all would be Dengue, which for the record humans have known about since time immemorial. So much so that it is documented in the Chinese medical encyclopedia created by the Jin dynasty between 265 and 420 AD
L’WHO, in the meantime, warned that infections are also growing strongly at a global level and infectious disease specialists invite travelers to check themselves if they show particular symptoms. The level of vigilance has been raised at Fiumicino airport with respect to planes arriving and goods imported from countries where “the risk of contracting the Dengue disease is frequent and continuous”, reports the ministry. For this reason, the Schillaci staff reiterates, in addition to the continuous monitoring of goods and travelers coming from abroad, it is planned to evaluate any ordinances For extraordinary interventions surveillance, sanitization and disinfestation. In short, a sinister déjà vu that we have already experienced during the preliminary phases of that tragic democratic and health madness that went down in history as fight against Covid-19.
From this point of view I would say that we have already largely given and, frankly, to persist in error would be truly diabolical. In fact, since the viruses in question are transmitted only through the bite of a mosquito, we would not want them to be forced to circulate in regular beekeeping suits, equipped with gloves and masks, substituting the tragicomic epic of useless masks. is also on Whatsapp. Simply click here to subscribe to the channel and always be updated (free).