They are from a few days ago data on work released by Istat and relating to July 2024, which speak of an unemployment level that has fallen to 6.5%, and an increase in the employment rate that has reached 62.3%, with an increase in employed people of 56 thousand units. Encouraging data, even if the labor market remains one where supply and demand often struggle, for various reasons, to meet. In this context, knowing how to present yourself when looking for a job is fundamental, starting from the CVa true “business card” for those who propose themselves. Let’s try to understand what the key elements are and how to draft it correctly.
What it is and what it is used for
The term curriculum vitaeof Latin origin, literally means “course of life”. It is a document that aims to present in a synthetic and at the same time exhaustive manner one’s educational path, professional experiences, personal skills and abilities, objectives achieved and results obtained. It represents the first evaluation tool used by companies and HR to get an overview of who is applying.
Through this information, the employer or the HR team can get a first idea of the qualifications and candidate potential to a certain position. The CV plays a fundamental role in the job search: it is, as mentioned, the business card with which you present yourself to companies. It is not just a matter of listing what you have done up to that point, but of doing it in a strategic wayhighlighting what is most relevant to the position you are applying for. An incomplete or poorly written document risks significantly reducing your chances of being called for an interview.
Furthermore, when sending your CV, it is always a good idea to attach a cover letterwhich briefly explains why you are applying and why you are interested in that specific position.
Types of CVs
They exist different types of CVs, each suited to different situations. Choosing the right one can make a big difference. Let’s look at them in detail.
Chronological CV: this is the most traditional and common form, which organizes work experiences in reverse chronological order, starting from the most recent; it is ideal if you have a linear career without significant interruptions, because it allows the selector to immediately see the candidate’s professional growth.
Functional (or thematic) CV: if your career is less linear, or you want to highlight specific skills in relation to your career path, the functional CV may be the best choice. Here, the focus is on the skills and results achieved, rather than on where and when you worked.
Combined (or mixed) CV: as the name suggests, it combines elements of the chronological and the functional. It is particularly useful if you want to highlight a solid career, but also highlight specific skills.
Europass CV: a standardized format at European level, it is designed to facilitate job mobility between EU countries. It has a very rigid structure, but it is useful if you are looking for work in Europe and want your CV to be easily comparable with that of other candidates.
Creative CV: If you work in a creative field such as design or advertising, a CV that reflects your personality and skills in these fields can be very effective. In this case, the visual aspect of the CV becomes important, almost as much as the content.
Academic CV: is used primarily in the research and academic world. It is often longer and more detailed, and includes publications, research projects, conferences, and other academic activities.
Creating an effective CV
To make an impression with your CV, it must be clear, concise and well structured, focusing only on the Important information. It is good to use simple and direct language, avoiding sentences that are too long or unnecessary technicalities; pay maximum attention to typos, a sign of little attention and care. Also useful customize your CV for each application, highlighting the experiences and skills most relevant to the job you are seeking. A clean and professional layout, with well-defined sections and a legible font, also helps the reader to quickly find the most important information.
As a setting, enter your own at the beginning personal datasuch as name, surname, address, email, telephone number, and, if you believe it, social media accounts or personal website. Below is the section dedicated to professional experiences: highlight achievements and roles of responsibility, giving priority to the most recent or relevant experiences for the position you are applying for.
In the section of educational experienceslist your studies from the most recent to the most recent, including master’s degrees and internships, and give greater emphasis to this part if you do not have much work experience. Then indicate the Known languagesspecifying the level, mentioning any stays or studies abroad. Finally, describe the technical skillssuch as the use of computer software or graphics programs, any hobbies or sports practiced. If you have had volunteer experiences, do not hesitate to include them, they will certainly be appreciated.
In the end, update regularly the curriculum, adding new experiences and skills acquired over time, as evidence of continuous professional growth.
Attention: it is a good idea to include a statement at the end of your CV consent for the processing of personal data. This allows recruiters to contact the candidate directly, reducing the risk of the application being discarded. You can write it in a slightly smaller font than the rest of the document, using a formula like: “I authorize the processing of personal data in my curriculum vitae pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 and art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data“, placing his signature nearby.
For a good European CV (Europass)
The aforementioned European CV deserves further study. Also known as Europass, it is a standard format introduced by the European Commission in 2002 to facilitate the presentation and comparison of candidates’ skills. Increasingly requested in public competitions and by companies, this model is designed to offer a clear and linear structure that allows recruiters to quickly analyze the professional profile of candidates. Here are some tips for writing or editing it correctly and when to use it.
The Europass is divided into sections, with a column layout, and can be easily created using pre-set templates available online, in particular on European Union website. This format is particularly suitable for those who looking for work abroad or has little work experience, as it allows you to present your professional and educational path in a simple and orderly way. It could instead be limited for those with numerous work experiences or extensive training, due to the limited space and the lower possibility of customization. Also not recommended for spontaneous applications, where a more personalized CV is preferable to better capture the recruiter’s attention. To fill out the Europass, you must enter:
personal informationdata such as name, surname, date of birth, address, email and telephone number;
professional experiencesa list of work experiences, starting from the most recent, with dates and descriptions of the tasks performed;
education and trainingwith details on the training path, including internships and placements;
technical skillsthat is, skills related to specific jobs;
personal skillssoft skills, organizational and artistic skills;
licenseindicating whether you have a driving licence and what type;
Attachmentsspecifically any certificates and attestations;
Resume in English
For those looking for work abroad, it is essential a well-written CV in English. It is not enough to translate the Italian one, you have to make sure that it is grammatically and syntactically correct, and that it follows the Anglo-Saxon conventions. It is recommended to use active forms, phrasal verbsand distinguish between skills, results and responsibilities. It is also important to maintain consistency in the text, be concise and positive, and personalize the CV based on the company and the desired role.
Even for the English version, there are different types, such as chronological cv (with experiences in chronological order) and the skill based resume (focused on skills). Here too, the cover letter is of great importance, and must follow the same general guidelines suggested for the CV.