THE’generative artificial intelligence walks and tells his story “interpreted” by RoBeethe humanoid robot created by Oversonic who enters walking on stage to open Meets Milan Emerging Technologiesthe two days of Milan Fair dedicated to the developments and prospects of the new frontier of an epochal change on the road to digital transformation of businesses – which personally involves managers – generated by the latest generation technologies that are accelerating in a relationship of continuity between science and research, applications and functions the relationship between man-machine-business-training: Artificial Intelligence, IoT, robotics, quantum technologies, blockchain, immersive reality, 5G.
A “leap” into the possible future has now begun as demonstrated by RoBee who greets the Meets audience, holds the keynote speech with his blue eyes that light up to underline sentences and passages while he talks with the journalist Eleonora Chioda, he is interviewed and guarantees that it is not a danger to man if it is designed and managed with “responsibility”, capable – as in his case – to help humans carry out jobs that are dangerous to their health.

It is the key step to introduce the works of the event organized by Business Internationalthe knowledge unit of Fiera Milano which has its “roots” in two events such as AIXA – Artificial Intelligence Expo of Applications And OnMetaverse Summita point of reference for dialogue between professionals, businesses, institutions and trade associations, major issues that guide the world of innovation and are also closely linked to the world of training. A necessary path as always happens when the changes imposed by scientific discoveries open the way to technological innovation and transformations as he explained Calogero Oddoassociate professor of Bioengineering and coordinator of the Neuro-Robotic Touch Lab, Biorobotics Institute of the Sant’Anna School in Pisa which started reflections and insights which also continue this Tuesday the spaces of Monte Rosa 91 in Milan and involve companies, institutions and trade associations. Fundamental change for the growth of our economy because, according to research by Interact Analysis, the value of collaborative roboticsor the AI-enhanced robotics segment, has surpassed in 2023 a billion dollars and an increase of over 22 percent is expected in 2024.

“Italian businesses, especially SMEsthey are approaching emerging technologies and digital but they have to start implementing projects and we need to support the transition from research to application. Our goal is to make people understand what the concrete applications are in order to generate demand from companies – he says Umberto Pellegrinohead of Business International -. Meets is an opportunity for discussion and meeting that encourages dialogue between everyone the innovation ecosystemto understand in advance how new generation technologies will transform companies’ business models and work in the coming years”.
“The immersive technologies how virtual reality and augmented reality are increasingly integrating with the world of data, with simulations and above all with Artificial Intelligence, to create experiential digital interfaces that are more engaging and more effective in addressing the business challenges of a increasingly fast and complex economy – he adds Lorenzo CappannariCEO and co-founder of AnotherReality -. This area is also talked about digital twinsi.e. virtual models that faithfully replicate objects, systems or physical environments to create efficiency, improve training and increase business opportunities”.
“They are technologies that allow you to explore complex environments and scenarios in an interactive and realistic way by visualizing the most relevant data and being able to simulate hypothetical scenarios to optimize processes and Mets represents – continues Cappannari – an important opportunity to delve deeper into these innovations and continue the dialogue on how emerging technologies can ttransform the future of interaction between the physical and digital worlds”.
All the information and appointments to follow on October 12th on—Milano-Emerging-Technologies-Summit