It is difficult to do worse damage than when you want to limit something in the name of freedom. But by now we have become accustomed, in these bad times in which in the fury of including a few we do not have scruples about taking away a lot.
And so in Cuneo, austere and sincere land of Barolo, Barbaresco, Roero and Dogliani, the mayor who is a mayor, a woman of great ideas, one worse than the other, and only incidentally of the Democratic Party: good times when the Party was just useless, before becoming harmful, she banned with an ordinance the consumption of alcohol, of any strength and in any container, 24 hours a day, in many areas of the city. The aim? To prevent cases of violence in areas where different cultures coexist (but wasn’t that an enrichment?) and thus guarantee “a balance of civil coexistence”.
Prevent so as not to repress. Prohibit so as not to risk. Prohibit so as not to let live.
And yet the father of politics as a defense of freedom, Luigi Einaudi, was from Carrù. Province of Cuneo.
In the end, for the left, moving from “Forbidden to prohibit” to “obligation to oblige” was easier than drinking a glass of…
But we, who are men of the world, and have not done military service
Cuneo, but in Fossano, we ask ourselves: and now who will tell the Cuneesi, understood as inhabitants, that from today even the Cuneesi (intended as sweets) are prohibited? The typical ones of the city, the good ones, the rum ones?