Dear Feltri, as a first-time Forzista, I take the liberty of making a heavy criticism of Giorgetti, Minister of Economy of the centre-right coalition, regarding the much talked about increase in minimum pensions of 3 euros. I consider this increase to be an insult and I’m sorry if I allow myself to use a vulgar expression but honestly it seems to me like “a joke”, think how happy pensioners will be to know they can drink two coffees for free, Giorgetti would have done better not to waste himself in effort. Cordially.
Armando Vidor
Dear Armando,
in fact the increase of 3 euros in minimum pensions, considered negligible by the opposition, has caused some controversy. The left criticizes this intervention, but I am not aware that, when it was at the helm of the country, pensions of this type were higher and were then compressed by the current government, if anything they were much lower. It was Giorgia Meloni herself who increased them, considering that, as soon as she took office, they stopped at 523 euros per month and now, thanks to this executive, over the course of two years they have gone to 618 euros, including the 3 euros that you consider insulting , or “a joke”. Better to have them than not to have them. They are convenient for many. It is always said, when it is time to make the budget law, that the blanket is short. And it’s true. Having managed, despite everything, to increase pensions by a few euros for next year also seems to me to be an excellent result, if not even a miracle, attention and respect towards the elderly who have not paid contributions or have not worked and who today find themselves unable to count on anything other than help from the State. So what are we complaining about?
Did you know, dear Armando, that in 2024 the minimum pension saw an extraordinary increase of almost 3%? In 2025 this growth will be 2.2%, yet it is better to grow than stop, or am I wrong?
Under the Giallorossi government, i.e. made up of those parties that accuse Meloni of not doing enough on this front, the minimums were just over 500 euros. Giorgia raised them by over 100 euros and I remember that she has been governing for two years and not ten. The progress is therefore absolutely remarkable. However, nothing ever goes well for us. We have a natural and irresistible tendency to complain, so instead of appreciating what has been done, we protest because not enough has been done. What should the state do? Give away gold tokens to everyone? Raise minimum pensions to 2 thousand or 3 thousand euros per month? Well, you know that would be impossible.
And once again I
I ask, as in relation to the so-called minimum wage which is so important to the minority: but if pensions needed to be increased, why didn’t you expand them and this government that you call “fascist” had to do it?