Ragusa Foto Festival 2024 in Ragusa in various locations. First international Sicilian event dedicated to the different languages ​​of contemporary photography – Carlo Franza’s blog

The twelfth edition of Ragusa Photo Festival the first international Sicilian event dedicated to the different languages ​​of contemporary photography and the valorization of young talents, is also an invitation to spend a pleasant holiday …

Ragusa Foto Festival 2024 in Ragusa in various locations. First international Sicilian event dedicated to the different languages ​​of contemporary photography – Carlo Franza's blog

The twelfth edition of Ragusa Photo Festival the first international Sicilian event dedicated to the different languages ​​of contemporary photography and the valorization of young talents, is also an invitation to spend a pleasant holiday in Sicily, the last weekend of August, in Ragusa Ibla, in the oldest and most evocative district of the Iblean capital, and in its wonderful surroundings. The baroque village is the setting of the2024 edition from the title ‘Taking a break’directed by Stefania Paxhia, journalist and founder, and by the artistic director Massimo Siragusa, photographer and professor at the IED in Rome, with the collaboration of the scientific committee and a network of local and national cultural partners. Friday 30th August at 6pm inside the Giardino Ibleo, the inauguration will take place the 2024 edition together with its protagonists, the institutions and the sponsors of the event to celebrate contemporary photography and spend together, like every year, the three opening days of the Festival.

On the opening days, until Sunday 1st Septembernational and international experts from the world of photography will be involved in events, seminars, workshops and talks, guided tours, portfolio readings and awards that accompany the vernissage of the 15 exhibitions – 13 solo exhibitions and 2 group exhibitions – set up in four splendid locations (Palazzo Cosentini, Palazzo La Rocca, the deconsecrated church of San Vincenzo Ferreri and the interior of the Giardino Ibleo). “Every pause is a sky in which I lose myself” wrote the Modican poet Salvatore Quasimodo, Nobel Prize winner for literature. Ragusa Foto Festival 2024 starts right from these verses to offer, thanks to the diversity of the points of view of the selected authors, new ‘skies’ and new horizons in which to lose oneself. From August 30th to September 30th 2024 the works that evoke this year’s theme, which is a reflection on the urgent need to become aware of one’s time, will be on display. with several works on display that represent some visual interpretations of the concept of “pause” set in the South and in Sicily.

The exhibition programme is completed by the works of Angel Raffaele Turetta among the most appreciated scene photographers in Italy who showcases the world of cinema with a surreal look; Simona Ghizzonia talented visual artist and director, who, starting from an intimate experience, at Palazzo Cosentini, tells of her isolation desired for a reflection on her being and for the desire to think of a new future; exhibition dedicated to Independent Publishing at Palazzo La Rocca with 25 Publishing Houses, which offer a cross-section of their contemporary production. Also Purple Marshyoung performance artist exhibits at Palazzo La Rocca. The unpublished images of Luca Campigotto, Venetian photographer who takes his work around the world concept of ‘photographic journey’, are exhibited to imagine a truce and a possible balance in the relationship between man and nature. Just like the dystopian sequence of images of Mark Zantaaward-winning architectural photographer, exhibited at Palazzo La Rocca. Also on the program are the exhibitions related to the Best Portfolio 2023 of Alessandro Cristoforettiand to the two mentions, Cyrus Battiloro And Claire Power.

The opening days: from August 30th to September 1st
On the opening days – from August 30th to September 1st – photographers, authors, critics and professionals will be present in Ragusa and through seminars, guided tours, screenings, workshops, portfolio readings and debates, they will explore themes and new dynamics of photographic language.
Registration for Portfolio Readings is now openwhich will be held on Saturday 31 August and Sunday 1 September and will allow direct comparison between young photographers and top professionals and curators, photo editors. This year’s readers are: Blessed Donatocurator and director of the RCA Romano Cagnoni Award, president of the jury for the Best Portfolio Award; Tiziana Faraoniphoto editor of “L’Espresso”; Irene Alisonjournalist and curator; Luca Santesedocumentary photographer of Cesura Lab, Claudio Corrivetti founder of Postcart Edizioni.
The award ceremony for the winners of the Best Portfolio Award 2024, the twelve finalists of the YPIA Call 2024 and the best project created during the workshop directed by Angel Raffaele Turetta, with technical sponsor Sony.
Don’t miss it Saturday 21st September at 6.00 pm the lecture of Michael Smargiassi entitled “The Chicken’s Eye. The Future of Photography in the Age of Artificial Intelligence”. The site is updated with all the events.

Ragusa Foto Festival is produced by the APS ANTIRUGGINE Association and sponsored by the Ministry of Culture, and is realized with the contribution of the Regional Assembly of the Sicily Region and of the Departments of Cultural Heritage and Sicilian Identity and Tourism of the Sicily Region, of Fondazione Sicilia, of the Libero Consorzio Comunale, formerly the Regional Province of Ragusa, of the Municipality of Ragusa, of Fondazione Cesare e Doris Zipelli, of Borrometi Iblea Sale srl, of Ricca IT srl, of Ghibli Solutions srl, of Antica Dolceria Bonajuto srl, of Banca Agricola Popolare di Ragusa, and of Sony as technical partner.

The Festival is supported by a scientific committee composed of: Aldo Bonomi sociologist, director Aaster Centro di ricerca socio economica, Milan; Mirja Cartia CEO Gruppo Il Sole 24 Ore, Milan; Nello Scavo, special correspondent for Avvenire, Milan; Benedetta Donato curator and director of the RCA Romano Cagnoni Award, Genoa; Donata Pizzi, photographer and collector; Rosario Antoci, artist and photography professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Catania; Alfredo Corrao photographer and head of Cultural Heritage at the MIC; Velasco Vitali, artist.

Cultural partners: Aaster Social Research Consortium of Milan; ICCD of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage; SISF Milan Italian Society for the Study of Photography; Sylva Foundation, Photographic Warehouses of Naples; Academy of Fine Arts Catania; University Consortium of Ragusa. Local Partners:Slow Food; CCN Antica Ibla; I Banchi Ristorante; Chamber of Commerce of the South East.

Carlo Franza