Sarkozy laughed, now he’s doing like Berlusconi

We must start from very far away, from a scene of rare evocative power, enough to overshadow Murnau and even the Battleship Potemkin of Master Sergej M. Ėjzenštejn. That of Lino Banfi in the role …

Sarkozy laughed, now he's doing like Berlusconi

We must start from very far away, from a scene of rare evocative power, enough to overshadow Murnau and even the Battleship Potemkin of Master Sergej M. Ėjzenštejn. That of Lino Banfi in the role of Baron Patané teased by his friends for his son “Gianculino”, suspected of being gay: “Yes! My son is unwell: he is waiting for his period. That whore of yours is waiting for the motorcycle instead! You’re not laughing anymore, are you?”.

Here: Baron Patané is us, and three quarters of the world is saying, in all the languages ​​of the world “you’re not laughing anymore now, eh?” to Carlà’s pathetically pompous husband, former president Sarkozya full-blown criminal after the franzos Court of Cassation confirmed him a 3-year sentence for corruption of a judge of the highest rank, a general prosecutor of the same Supreme Court, for a dirty story of wiretaps, bribes, spying, blackmail, persecution delusions, mirages. The humiliation is such that the little guy, ridiculous in his grandeur on sale, even if he doesn’t end up in prison, will have to show off a precious electronic bracelet, very fancy stuff, for next year.

You’re not laughing anymore, huh? But we are the ones laughing, we are the ones thinking, and how can we do without it? To the laughter of the little Smurfette husband of the aspiring chanteuse with the most worthy chancellor Angela Merkel. You all remember it: they ask both what they think of Berlusconi’s economic measures, but essentially of Berlusconi himself, and they, as heads of government and state, exchange an offensive, blatant laugh, which is not only or just for Berlusconi, but for Italy. A cocktail of equal parts contempt of cryptonazism and gallism.

Because it was the two masters of the EU who were laughing, those who plotted to destroy it, Italy. Succeeding. The plan was to disrupt the European Mediterranean area, not so much Greece, which counted for little (and which will then count its deaths, its children who died of starvation, which some megaphone reporters preferred, by direct admission, to censor so as not to tarnish unionist policies ), but Italy, a direct competitor of the Franco-German economic axis. That contemptuous laugh, but even more despicableit was an admission, it was the vindication of evil, it was the most obscene flash in 30 years of mischief against Italy, unfortunately supported by national politicians who were worse than mediocre, treacherous, infamous and clearly paid. Unfortunately, that submission, despite the small-scale proclamations, still continues today, but that’s another matter.

The little guy and the “unlockable big ass” (definition attributed to Berlusconi but never uttered: it was a poison ball from those of the Done) they don’t laugh anymore, now: he in handcuffs, electronic but handcuffs, she condemned to damnatio memoriae: the collapse of the German economy starts with her, it starts from her insane decision to push for renewables, electric wagons, to close nuclear power plants and a lot of other atrocities of a total political beast.

Prosit! Today, of course, Sarkò cries out about persecution, I am innocent, I am a martyr, all we need are communist judges. As my childhood friend Giulio, someone born rich and therefore arrogant, vaguely Vanzinian, and with a limp R, would have said: “Go shit, ppighla!”. And now no one laughs anymorenor Sarkò, nor Karlà, nor even Die Bundeskanzlerin, sic transit Gloria Mundi. Kaputt mundi. Or rather, as Finardi sang: “And you laughed and I cried, and now I laugh instead.”

What do you want to do? It’s a dirty laugh but sacrosanct, liberating, after thirty years of arroganceof double standards, of scoundrels; here the memory of Berlusconi is not so much defended, here a few things are put back in place and in particular the Euro-unionist, Franco-German colonisation, above the rest of us. Something that for too long, and with too much indulgence, has been taken for granted and even exalted by our ignoble system of political-journalistic power. As for Sarkozy, he is just one of the countless ridiculous politicians churned out in series by snooty France: remember, for one, Holland (whom the Italian news, provincial as never before, called “Olon”?), who went to appointments on a moped? Today then, with what they find themselves at the Elysée, I don’t even need to talk about it.

As for Germany, it finds itself with a third world economy, and that’s a good thing. Now her husband announces the usual nonsense appeals, from the Cedu to the Cepu, the Ceppa and so on; Meanwhile, another trial is already announced for him in the Supreme Court, it’s the affair Bygmalionwhich sees him hauled in for alleged “crazy spending” related to the 2012 presidential campaign. All children of theft. But ridiculously pompous until the end: “I cannot accept the profound injustice I have suffered, my rights have not been respected, my appeal could perhaps lead to a condemnation by France!”. Okay. is also on Whatsapp. Simply click here to subscribe to the channel and always be updated (free).