Schlein as Padre Pio: he works miracles, save Miss World and Tony Effe: so, today…

– Stellantis undertakes to invest in Italy and not to close the factories, bringing the production of some models back here. Well. The government and Urso rejoice. But the question is only one: …

Schlein as Padre Pio: he works miracles, save Miss World and Tony Effe: so, today…

Stellantis undertakes to invest in Italy and not to close the factories, bringing the production of some models back here. Well. The government and Urso rejoice. But the question is only one: can we trust it? It is true that the CEO has changed and the strategy towards Italy has also changed. But there are many promises made over the years by the former Fiat and then promptly disregarded.

– The idea of ​​closing shops on public holidays, a proposal put forward by Fratelli d’Italia, is illiberal and senseless. Now the world is going the other way and the rule would end up favoring online sales, there’s no point in pretending otherwise. If we really want to intervene on the issue, the unions should wake up to extract an extra salary for holidays that makes them either enormously attractive to the worker or too expensive for the employer. At that point the market will decide.

– According to an expert psychiatrist a Christmas we shouldn’t tell children “be good or no presents from Santa Claus” because these “threats” (threats?) would undermine children’s security. Excerpt: we stopped scolding them because otherwise they get scared; don’t bother punishing them or they call the Telefono Azzurro; for a slap you end up in prison; and now you can’t even explain through Santa Claus that if he’s naughty he can’t even expect to receive the prizes under the tree. And the Befana coal? Is it worth reporting?

– No but I really invite you to read the psychologist’s reasoning. So: threaten the non-passage of Dad Christmas if the child is naughty, it could affect “first of all a sense of emotional insecurity” and then it can “stimulate rather inappropriate feelings of guilt, pushing children to “feel responsible for certain conditions such as the failure of Santa Claus to come by, which weighs very heavily on their minds.” And again: all this would make the little one think that “his value depends on obedience and pleasing others and not necessarily on his way of being”. In fact, it can trigger “on the one hand the tendency to submission, to sacrificing one’s needs to avoid conflicts. On the other hand, never feeling worthy enough to be loved, a fear and anxiety of rejection as a threat of disappointment towards others. Are you taking me for a ride? Apart from the fact that millions of children in the past have received this type of “threat”, including the writer, and they have not suffered any emotional repression whatsoever. On the contrary: they have learned that not everything can be had immediately and that for every action (I behave badly) there is a reaction (Santa Claus ignores me). Given how things are going between teenagers and baby gangs, perhaps make the child understand that his value “also” depends on obedience to adults and the rules of civil life. The psychiatrist is warned: if he has behaved badly this year, for him there is only coal in his stocking.

– Ps: according to the illustrious psychiatrist the solution for children would be to “offer simple and clear explanations”, to express “what the boundaries are” within which the child must limit himself “but within a feeling of unconditional love”. I’ve met too many children to know that “dialogue” with an angry child who claims to do what he wants doesn’t work. Much better is a sacrosanct punishment.

– There is nothing more useless than the Christmas speeches of the presidents of the Republic.

– According to the Russia they would have offered the spy who killed Igor Kirillov 100 thousand euros and a new life in Europe to kill the Russian general. I dare say that if the 29-year-old “citizen of Uzbekistan” “recruited by the Ukrainian special services” accepted for that amount, he got a scam: with the taxation that exists in the EU, 100k will be enough for him yes and no for a few years. Then what does he do afterwards? He should have treated better.

Volodymyr Zelensky admits what everyone knew: that they will never take back Crimea with weapons. He had already said it, but this time he also added Donbass. According to Kiev, the diplomatic route could lead to a solution, but it is difficult if not impossible that these two parts of territory could ever return to Ukraine, even if it were governed by a pro-Russian person.

– “The measure was carried out in May. At the end of July the criminal action was carried out, reaching an agreement regarding the application of the penalties in September. So in just over 7 months from the execution of the measures and a massive activity by Finance and the Prosecutor’s Office, we have a sentence for the application of the sentence. I believe we cannot talk about a long time frame.” Genoa’s chief prosecutor, Nicola Piacente, said this regarding Giovanni Toti’s plea deal. We forget, perhaps, that the investigations had been going on for years with hours and hours of recording. Perhaps we cannot speak of “long times”, but neither are we short.

– Holland cancels Miss Netherlands. The beauty pageant in Italy now counts as the two of cups when trumps are clubs. They say that the new generations are opposed to certain standards of beauty, and perhaps even to the very fact of judging the physical appearance of girls. Hypocrisy. In the end, in fact, the commercials continue to propose the products by choosing beautiful girls and the trend of curvy models has not broken through at all. Even Victoria’s Secret, deo gratias, finally returned to celebrating its super-sexy models. Paradoxically, in times when everyone shows everything on social media and sometimes with so many filters that they no longer even recognize the original subject, an educated beauty contest could teach us that a) sight wants its part; and that b) there is nothing wrong with celebrating beauty. In all its forms.

– Ps: the problem of Miss Italia, if anything, in recent years was that of giving too much weight to the “values” that the queens should have conveyed rather than focusing on the aesthetic canon. Which in a competition like this should be the only thing that matters.

Mahmood and Mara Sattei leave the New Year’s Eve concert in Rome in solidarity with Tony Effekicked out of the municipality for his “sexist” lyrics. Criticisms also from Giorgia, Emma, ​​Noemi, Lazza and all the others. They’re right, let’s be clear. In fact, the problem is not Tony Effe’s lyrics, which are what they are, but the fact that the Municipality first invited him and then torpedoed him despite knowing right from the start what his repertoire was. If you don’t want it (and it would be good for music in general) don’t call it. The problem is that I didn’t hear similar complaints in favor of freedom of expression from the great Italian singers when Povia it was censored by the mayor of Nichelino.

– On the same day, a mother and child die in childbirth at the Pavia Polyclinic while a homeless woman manages to give birth on the street, alone, in front of Palermo station. Life can be truly infamous.

– Then there are situations that make you smile. That is, today we are discussing a psychiatrist who prohibits us from “threatening” children by using Dad Christmas then at 10 years old they already listen to Tony Effe’s songs and his not exactly educational lyrics. Meh.

Sarkozy convicted to 3 years of which one with an electronic bracelet. He declares himself innocent and appeals to the EU Court, like Berlusconi. Who’s laughing now?

– Yesterday we wrote: Valditara is wrong to sue Nicholas Lagioiabecause it will end up transforming him into a martyr for a statement that is all in all ironic and not offensive. Fears confirmed. Today at Republic Lagioia talks about a “climate of fear”, “acts of intimidation” and “freedom of expression under attack”. All bullshit, let’s be clear: the judiciary exists so that it can decide whether the person who feels offended (Valditara) has reason to complain or whether the complaint against the alleged defamer (Lagioia) should be dismissed, how it will end. There is no attack on democracy, freedom of expression or similar nonsense. We are simply faced with a minister who would have done better to keep this complaint to himself without giving easy whining to those who hope to conquer the front pages and become the Scurati or Saviano of the moment.

– Anyone who doesn’t believe in miracles has never voted for PD Of Elly Schlein. Because perhaps you don’t know it but apparently the Dems are able to get even those who find themselves in a coma hospitalized to join the party. Don’t you believe it? This was told to Corriere by a lady from Avellino who recently discovered that her husband, forced into hospital, appears to have obtained Elly Schlein’s party membership card without ever having had the intention or, above all, the ability to sign up for it. “My husband – says the lady – was unable to sign the Pd card, because he was hospitalized during the registration phase. He was in a coma for two months due to a brain attack, then transferred to a rehabilitation clinic.” Obviously the lady asked for clarification from the secretary of the PD club who confirmed the anomalous membership but without explaining much. It seems that the names were “taken from the lists of previous years, albeit without any expression of will or support”.

To add piquancy to this paradoxical story there is also a hint of possible discrimination as the lady is convinced that the Democratic Party wanted to take advantage of the fact that “I am a foreigner and they thought that I would not be interested in the matter”. What does all this teach us? First, that in Italy there are no limits to what is possible. And before getting sick it is best to leave a note that you do not want to support the Dems. Never mind that you find yourself registered without your knowledge.