Shooting into crowd in Bangladesh, the massacre that no one talks about

Two days ago In Bangladesh, police shot at protesting crowdsmostly young people, killing one hundred and fifteen people. The injured? None. Yes, because our media (those who did it) dedicated only a small box to …

Shooting into crowd in Bangladesh, the massacre that no one talks about

Two days ago In Bangladesh, police shot at protesting crowdsmostly young people, killing one hundred and fifteen people. The injured? None. Yes, because our media (those who did it) dedicated only a small box to the news on the Foreign page. This is nothing new. The directors choose the news to emphasize (say, Kamala’s divorces, these days) based on two criteria: 1. what they think their readers are interested in, 2. what the other newspapers are doing (above all). Yes, because one of their fears is the “hole” in the page. Hence the photocopy media, which, if you think about it, makes them all useless.

The American Left’s Fashion – which is what commands the Western narrative – it’s currently the no to racism. But to focus on a Ukrainian pediatric hospital centered (perhaps) by the Russians and not give a damn about what happens in exotic places, what is it if not racism? In Sudan the murdered are millions, who cares. A train derails in India with its usual abnormal load of people on board? Normal. In Mecca the crowds and the heat cause massacres? Exoticism. And to think that Bangladesh should be dear to those of a certain age. It is in fact the old Bengal in whose jungle the Masked Man roamed, The Phantom by Lee Falk and Wilson McCoy.

Its war of independence from Pakistan in the 1970s sparked a LiveAid-style mega-concert organized by George Harrison, the ex-Beatle who climbed the charts with songs such as, indeed, Bangladesh and the semi-Buddhist My sweet Lord (plagiarized from It’s so fine by Carol King, as the court later found out). With that war, Bangladesh (which means “Free Bengal”) gained two things: independence and world record for poverty. In fact, those killed by the police were protesting because the government had reserved thirty percent of the jobs in the administration for the children of veterans of that war, so as to guarantee the loyalty of a considerable electorate. The Bengalis understood the maneuver very well and took to the streets. Getting bullets at human height. The government came to its senses by reducing that thirty to five percent. But even the police eat government bread and the rest is history.

A story, however, blinded because most likely we will know nothing about the developments. Our editors, for the reasons mentioned above, are too focused on Fedez’s misadventures, Zelenski’s press releases and those of Hamas. Believing that all readers are stupid. Luckily there are (still) social media, which the aforementioned editors do not frequent, otherwise they would know what readers really think. We are in the land of nobody here is stupid and the number of “apoti” (those who don’t drink it, to put it in Prezzolini’s words) is increasing rapidly. The leftists and their followers squawk more than the others – and it is the only thing they know how to do – and for this reason they are more visible but the truth is that the crowd of those who agree with Israel, Putin and Trump is growing. And they know that a (left-wing) journalist beaten by CasaPound does not equal the damage done with impunity, and always, by anarchists and social centers.

Even the media owners should be careful about the disaster in terms of falling copies sold towards which they are falling. But perhaps managing companies at a loss is a calculated risk, which is worth it in order to influence the government. Which, ours, is actually intimidated by it. is also on Whatsapp. Just click here to subscribe to the channel and always be updated (free)