The incorrect GTA changes its skin and becomes politically correct towards minorities

What’s more politically incorrect than GTA? But not just politically incorrect, incorrect in every way. Do you need a car? You pull the driver out and take it from him after beating him. …

What's behind the postponement of GTA 6?

What’s more politically incorrect than GTA? But not just politically incorrect, incorrect in every way. Do you need a car? You pull the driver out and take it from him after beating him. That’s the beauty of GTA, it’s a video game where you become a gangster, not a boy scout simulation. It’s not that someone behaves like this in real life, as many moralistic detractors of video games have been saying for years. Except, listen to this: the developers of GTA 6 would have received an order from Rockstar to be inclusive towards transgenders and ethnic minorities. Everyone is discussing it online, because it really distorts GTA. In GTA you can be good, bad, thieves, cops, whatever you want.
We use the language of the street, of the underworld, we attack banks, we shoot whoever we want. It’s a little funny that now they have to be careful not to offend transgenders and minorities when you can easily run over an old lady crossing the road while you’re running away from the police to deliver a load of drugs.
Among other things, creating protected categories, which should not be joked about, seems very non-inclusive and indeed discriminatory to me. As if they were pandas. African Americans, for example, call each other “nigger”, an offensive term if it is used by a supremacist, but not on the street, among gangs of all ethnic groups.

Black people insult white people and vice versa, now the culture of whining also enters the worst video game ever? If you choose, in the game, to be an African American, what do they do to you, a test to see if you are really African American in real life and can you say the “N word” or not?