A few weeks ago the Sunday insert of the Sun 24 Hours greeted the news of a new re-edition of the on the front page The Capital Of Karl Marx. There would be nothing much to celebrate, if not the virtues of capitalism, thanks to which even anti-capitalist books containing theories that have caused so many disasters to humanity are freely published.
The alleged scientific nature of Marxism it was shattered by the harsh reality that gave the lie to the ideologies and theories that arose from it. Among the deleterious consequences was also a certain trade unionism that, rather than guaranteeing workers, consolidated its power, deluding workers into thinking that the “class struggle” was the inevitable solution to all evils.
He wrote Sergio Ricossa in his formidable book Extra-bourgeois (Istituto Bruno Leoni Libri – 2010): “I do not underestimate the importance of illusions for those who are not bourgeois, and I admit that some have drawn a sense of satisfaction from them against the stress of life in the factory. Some workers have taken courage, they have felt like protagonists for some time. But in the end illusions always degenerate into disillusions.. You cannot build on solidity if you build on hatred, on envy, on bellicosity, on the fable of inevitable capitalist exploitation without the ‘class struggle’. The great task of trade unionism is to make workers participate in technological civilization, not to sabotage it through them”.
Long live the freedom to republish books Marx or of Hitlerbut let’s see if it is possible to overcome its gross errors once and for all, so as not to repeat the most lugubrious horrors of history. To put it in Anglo-Saxon terms, if you deceive me once, shame on you, but if you deceive me the second time …!
And even today there are many countries in which certain doctrines justify and support regimes with bureaucracies totalitarian. The nemesis continues, on the shoulders of the “people”, but always in the name of the “people”!
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