This is how Spain got hold of the EU positions. Giorgetti’s Boskov-style anger

The Spaniards were awarded, with a rather unusual procedure, the presidency of the EIB. Nadia Calvino goes from Spanish Minister of Economy to Presidency of the EIB, during the Spanish Presidency in office. The afterthought …

This is how Spain got hold of the EU positions.  Giorgetti's Boskov-style anger

The Spaniards were awarded, with a rather unusual procedure, the presidency of the EIB. Nadia Calvino goes from Spanish Minister of Economy to Presidency of the EIB, during the Spanish Presidency in office. The afterthought is that the Iberian representative had “a special eye” towards the Franco-German axis currently engaged in reviewing the stability pact and in exchange obtained the long-awaited presidency. Defeating the Italian candidate.

The agencies have made our minister’s sentence public Giorgetti who, quoting coach Boskov, commented in front of the guests: «It’s a penalty when the referee blows his whistle». In other words: it’s done, even if we regret it. Nobody took up Giorgetti’s next sentence, namely: “In this case, however, the VAR would be necessary.” And that is: if you saw the whole action you would understand that that whistle was wrong. The point is that Madrid, in addition to Calvino, would now also be about to take over the presidency of the Eba. The powerful supervisory authority of the European banking market. Today it is in the hands of the Spanish Jose Manuel Campa. The regulations for its designation, without major public communications, have recently changed. It will not be the commission that decides, but the patrol of central bank governors. And, in this case, the Bank of Italy would also have agreed to the confirmation of the outgoing president. Two Spaniards at the helm of two important European bodies are a very respectable haul for a semester of presidency, the Iberian one, which ends in two weeks. Who knows if in five years, in 2028, Italy will be able to do something similar.

The Cdp fund

Dario Scannapieco has a pointed arrow to be able to see his reconfirmation as head of the Cassa Depositi e Prestiti and it is called Fondo Clima. Only some mischievous people can believe that the advantage over his competitor, Turicchi today in Italy, derives from the good offices of his co-head of staff Fabio Barchiesi, well introduced in the Roman palaces. The truth is that the current CEO has put himself on the ground to define the functioning of this blessed thing Climate Fund. Born with past governments, it has now finally started to operate. With an endowment of 4.2 billion euros it can become the armed and financial arm of the so-called Mattei Plan which Meloni holds dear. Its structure is rather complex with two committees, one technical and one political, at government level, and a manager, which is precisely the Cassa. Thanks to the operation of this fund and its resources, Italian diplomatic activities may have some more cards to play in those countries of North Africa and the Middle East in which we have become particularly active again.

California, cinema and debts

There is controversy in California, companies are fleeing due to the high taxation and the almost European rules especially in environmental matters, while the liberal film industries are continually helped. is also on Whatsapp. Simply click here to subscribe to the channel and always be updated (free).