Also Whatsappjust like other Meta-branded applications, such as Facebook and Instagram, has a series of fairly strict rules of use, violating which can lead to the deletion of your account. However, these are basic and simple rules to follow for those who use the most famous instant messaging app appropriately and correctly, and yet it is not unusual to run into problems of this kind, especially if you ignore certain constraints.
Among the most particular, and always criticized, is that of the limit of non-use times of a WhatsApp profile: in the event that, for any reason, the application is not used for more than 120 days, in fact, the account is automatically deleted.
Since this is a program that is generally exploited daily basis by millions of users, both for private matters and for work reasons, it is difficult to imagine that for four months it would be set aside and put in a corner all of a sudden. Yet, given the numbers, it is a situation that can come to occur often, for example when there are health problems or in the case of long hospital stays, or simply for the desire to disconnect from everything.
Well after just 120 daysif in the meantime you have not logged in for at least a fraction of a second to reset the countdown, you risk losing everything, from your account to photos or messages that the user was particularly fond of: all because of one of the basic rules of using WhatsApp that not many people know about.
Other cases in which there is a risk ofaccount deletion are those connected to correct use towards other users: rules of conduct, these, that have become increasingly strict over the years. Not only is the sending of illegal content or malware punishable, but also the annoying activity of spam, which at a certain point became a real plague: with such activities connected to an account, its elimination becomes inevitable, thanks to the controls carried out by the platform.
Using unauthorized extensions is another behavior that is not tolerated when it comes to Meta-branded apps, even if it happens in
especially on Instagram, with the programs used to grow the profile. This happens to a lesser extent on WhatsApp, but it still occurs less rarely than you might think, and the ban It’s just around the corner.