Remember John McCain? Not to go too far back in time? In 2008? He obtained the long-awaited Republican nomination due to the application in many circumstances during the primaries of winner takes all methodwhether absolute or relative.
This is (was?) the concept of the “Desert Crossing”. The reasoning is as follows:
– I am a Republican;
– you do not represent my ideas;
– I, for goodness sake, don’t vote Democratic;
– I will abstain and wait patiently (going from one end of a desert to the other takes a lot of time and requires patience) next time;
– if the nominee corresponds to my wishes, I will vote again.
Well, it seems that in this blessed 2024 things work differently. Not only the former vice president with George Walker Bush, Dick Cheneywith daughter Liz in tow (or at the helm?) gives his endorsement to Kamala Harris. Not only that, as many other Republicans, before and immediately after, do the same.
Some even go so far as to say “because first of all I am a human being!”. Trump Effect? Impossible to DenyThe tycoon is so divisive that at least some people even abandon the poor Traversata!
Mauro of the Raffo Gate
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