Will Biden take a step back?

The question – certainly not the only one but the most important – that a serious observer must ask himself at the end of an electoral or television political debate/confrontation (to tell the truth, the …

Will Biden take a step back?

The question – certainly not the only one but the most important – that a serious observer must ask himself at the end of an electoral or television political debate/confrontation (to tell the truth, the great ethologist Desmond Morris, years ago, argued that in these cases it is necessary to turn off the audio and simply watch the expressions and movements of the protagonists) or radio broadcast, however incredible it may seem, it is not related to the topics covered by the contenders, not even to their ideas and not even to the more or less colorful expressions used. It’s simply this: which of the two managed to still capture the attention of usersto convince the uncertain ones having above all united his own? Joe Biden And Donald Trump They weren’t in an Atlanta TV room yesterday to get the commentator’s applause New York Times or of Washington Post (among other things, since the two gentlemen are certainly absolutely aligned with the Democrat) but to speak – each in the way deemed most effective – to the voters in order to galvanize the supporters and only then to try to convince the undecided.

Voters who have been deeply divided in the States for a long time. What does an Idaho housewife have to do with a Californian surfer? Can a Boston Democrat get along with a Wyoming cowboy? The legendary Ohio milkman with a one-and-done New Yorker? And so on, interminably, listing.

More and more as time passes in America the already existing differences are becoming more pronounced and it must be said that very well Biden (whose party colleague Hillary Clinton defined Trumpian voters as “deplorables” in 2016!) and Trump (a billionaire who is perceived as a defender of the most neglected!) represent them.

Having said this and waiting for the popular polling findings which we hope are truthful (the immediate or almost immediate one from CNN states that sixty-seven percent of viewers saw Trump win!), extremely interesting the behavior of the two protagonists and one can well understand the alarmed reactions of many Democrats (some, seized by panic, went so far as to exclaim “We’re screwed!”, even calling for the President’s withdrawal) in seeing how and in what manner Joe Biden behaved.

His uncertainties, his difficulties, his stammerings… In the face of which, whether or not he has managed to counter Trump (to the point of saying “I really don’t know what he said and I don’t think he even knows what he said”) or to attack him on the issues that his people consider progressives (also in this regard: abortion is seen by some as an affirmation of freedom, by others simply as murder!) takes a back seat.

Additionally, a couple of historical considerations. It’s the first time the two have confronted each other on television Presidents, the one in office looking for confirmation and the predecessor eager for revenge. The first, obviously because in 1892, when Grover Cleveland challenged Benjamin Harrison (he won, but that doesn’t mean the tycoon who defeated him in 1888 will do the same, TV didn’t exist.

Finally, not bad if, as some hypothesize and mentioned above, Biden took a step back leaving the delegates gathered on the occasion free to make a different choice. (If desired, if Biden were to resign, the Presidency would pass to Kamal Harris and the fact that, although not brilliant, she is a woman could benefit the donkeys). We owe gratitude to the two elderly competing characters: certainly not alone, they make our times very interesting!

Mauro della Porta Raffo, Honorary President of the Italy-USA Foundation

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