We don’t feel good talking about it. The other evening Lilli Lady Bilderberg Gruber said: «I feel uncomfortable talking about homeland and nation». Alessandro Milan, on Radio24, commented on an interview with Minister Lollobrigida as follows: «The word Homeland sends a shiver down my spine». And Lella Costa, on La7, began a speech with «Sorry but I can’t say the word nation or homeland».
Well. We tell them.
Worse than the arch-Italians are only the anti-Italians. Who knows why words proudly flaunted until yesterday by left-left intellectuals have been abolished since Giorgia Meloni’s right-right has been in government.
Strange. The most beautiful Constitution in the world mentions Patria, with a capital letter, twice; and Nation, or national, you are. We feel unwell: we have shivers.
Requests. Why are those who believe in it the least the ones who fight the most to give foreigners the Italian homeland? And why do they all feel like “citizens of the world”, all with dual citizenship and triple passports, when their mental horizon reaches a yacht in the harbor in Monte Carlo, or a European pied-à-terre in Brussels, or the conference hotel from Davos?
People without art or country. He should go to Ukraine or Gaza.
At least there he would understand that wars are fought for the homeland and for a nation.
Dante, who is not right-wing, but not even from the Democratic Party, has already condemned them. He throws traitors to his homeland into the frozen lake of Cocytus. You know what chills there.