Was the G7 in Puglia a politically fatal media event for Joe Biden? Officially he is still the Democratic candidate for the Presidential elections in November, but the senile reputation that accompanies him may have reached its limit during the Italian-led G7.

The video of the paratroopers’ performance is the most symbolic. When the Italian paratrooper lands, Biden turns and drifts away like a shipwreck drifter carried by the waves. The way other leaders close the gap is interesting. Let’s imagine watching it in slow motion (here).

The first to move is Emmanuel Macron, who to fill the empty space that separates the group from Biden, moves to his left, a natural action for him even in politics. Giorgia Meloni is the leader who covers the most ground in the shortest time: from the extreme right she closes by fluttering to the opposite extreme. British PM Rishi Sunak follows Macron. The Japanese one, Fumio Kishida, following Sunak. Note Macron’s nod of understanding to Meloni at the twenty-first second of the video: the French President seems to say to her: “Will you take care of it?”.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is my favorite, because he doesn’t notice ANYTHING. Olaf moves with geopolitical tempos: slower than contemporary politics, and LITTLE faster than the tectonic (Teutonic?) movement of the continents. Ursula Von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, watches the American President go away, dumbfounded, but she remains frozen in the center, and her gaze oscillates like a metronome between the parachutist and the illustrious shipwrecked wood. Charles Michel is also lost, and he looks elsewhere. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is too busy keeping his HUGE sex appeal at bay to even take care of one contingency: if you think it’s easy to be charming, you’re sadly mistaken.

The G7 leaders close like a zipper the gap that has opened between the group and the fugitive. Meloni, an empathetic and attentive hostess, is the hinge lever who is responsible for gently directing the American President in the right direction. Days later, however, I am worried: is it appropriate for the Prime Minister of a satellite like Italy to expose the Caesar’s senility? Didn’t you exhibit your empathy a little too markedly? Wouldn’t it have been better to stay more “sghiscia” (“defiled” in Lombard)? Let’s hope the Americans don’t tie their fingers to it.

We have already asked ourselves in the past who was really in charge in America (here), but now we want something more: whoever is at the helm, does he know how to point to Ukraine on the map, or does he believe that it is somewhere in the South of the World, where proxy wars between Russians and Americans have traditionally taken place?

PS: alternative conclusion. Now that we have the graphic demonstration that the President of the United States matters less, will they allow Meloni to count more with the reform of the premiership?