In home Google they are about to arrive audio emoji, a brand new feature that will allow users to communicate with each other in a friendly and direct way. At the moment the novelty has only appeared in the beta versions of the Android Phone app, but everything suggests that the service will soon be available to everyone.
What are audio emojis
With audio emoji, sounds and words are indicated animations already registered which the user can use during a common telephone call. For years we have been accustomed to classic emojis, that is, that whole series of cute smileys that express gestures, emotions and reactions that we can insert into a normal chat to reinforce, for example, concepts. Audio emojis should perform the same function. In fact, during the telephone conversation they can be inserted while we speak. Just press the buttons already ready for use.
From what we've reviewed in the beta, audio emojis act like a semi-hidden option. When a phone call is in progress, in fact, in the Phone app functions such as “microphone”, “activate the numeric keypad” or “handsfree” are shown. To be able to access Google's new proposal, therefore, you will need to tap on the icon in the center of the screen and wait for the six icons with their respective emojis to appear. At that point there is nothing left to do but choose one. L'sound effect, it seems, will be heard on both the sender's and recipient's cell phones. It can also be canceled at any minute.
What emojis are available
Google is still waiting to hear the beta testers' opinions and at the moment there aren't many audio emojis. In the beta version, in fact, the following were found: Applausei.e. an animation in which someone actually claps their hands; Laugh; Partywith music and noises attributable to celebrations; Cry; Poopwhich reproduces the sound of an exhaust; Drumroll.
For now, as we said, the new function has only appeared on the beta version of the Android Phone app and a date for release to the public has not yet been indicated. This is a project that Google has been working on for some time, so as to offer its customers something more than the more common stickers, gifs and classic emojis.
The audio emojis will essentially be reaction in audio format, created to make internet users' stay on its platforms even more pleasant.
So.. for all of us #TeamPixel fans!
I was on the phone and saw a new button come up… “Audio EMoji”???
I had to call my brother to test it out!
DIdn't record audio, but it was fun to play around with!
— Luis Fernando Pertuz Escribano (@pertuzluisfer) April 30, 2024