Come to Eatalya! – Il Giornale

We no longer remember whether advertising is the soul of commerce or whether propaganda is the body of politics. Meh… We were thinking about it yesterday, when we saw the new commercial – …

Come to Eatalya! - Il Giornale

We no longer remember whether advertising is the soul of commerce or whether propaganda is the body of politics. Meh… We were thinking about it yesterday, when we saw the new commercial – we can’t say whether it’s uglier or more demagogic – for Oscar Farinetti’s «Grand Tour Italia», practically the same thing as «FICO», the agri-food park that went bankrupt, but with a different name, which will end up the same way. Question: but who wants to lock themselves in an industrial warehouse on the outskirts of Bologna, next to a large shopping centre, to eat the same things they find at Eataly, in the centre of Milan, with tables outside?

However, the advert is, as they say, “emotional”. In the sense that it’s a big load of crap. There’s a man from Romagna, played by Patrizio Roversi (white, wealthy, full of guilt) sitting at a table with a young foreigner (colored, poor, full of hope). The first says, with a Bolognese accent: “How lucky to live in Italy, and those who have had so much luck must make amends!”. And the second, with an African accent: “Let’s go eat dordellinihh!”. Strange that the authors didn’t add “Yes, buana”. At this point, the “Cheers” begins. The white one with a glass of wine, the black one with an orange juice. Just the cliché of Muslims who don’t drink alcohol; but why do they eat “dordellinihh” stuffed with meat?


We understand the charitable message towards migrants (“Let’s welcome them all”), we are annoyed by the racist approach towards the “poor black man” (“We’ll give you charity”).

And for the rest, «Grand Tour Italia» opens tomorrow. Admission and parking are free. «Cheers».