Counters and reminders: here are the new features arriving on WhatsApp

Another feature most requested by users will soon be available on WhatsApp: when you access the application, in fact, it is currently impossible to know the number of people connected at that precise …

Counters and reminders: here are the new features arriving on WhatsApp

Another feature most requested by users will soon be available on WhatsApp: when you access the application, in fact, it is currently impossible to know the number of people connected at that precise moment, information that, for example, can be obtained on Telegram. Well, the Meta development team is already testing a very similar functionality, a sort of counter that reports the number of various contacts connected under the individual groups.

This function, like another very interesting one which we will talk about later, has also been included in the beta version for Android, already in the possession of some testers who are currently subjecting it to a very careful evaluation . So far, in the stable version of the Meta app, it is possible to observe i names of contacts and those of participants in a group in strict alphabetical order, among which the typing indicator appears when one of them is composing a message.

With the new counterwhich appears at the top of the group chat screen, there will be the possibility of knowing how many participants are logged in on WhatsApp but we will not have any information on whether they are actively engaged in the group at that moment or not. To find out the name of those who are online, it will presumably be necessary to click on the group details, as already happens on Telegram, but at the moment this is only a hypothesis.

However, there is no risk of having your privacy violated. In fact, if desired, the user can decide to maintain their confidentiality, hiding the activity status both in one-to-one and group chats: in this case they will not be counted among those present in the new counter. Above all, those who will benefit from this information will be administratorswho, based on the number of those present, will be able to decide the best and potentially most prolific moment in which to concentrate their activities.

As anticipated, this is not the only new element arriving for users: the Meta developers are also testing a memorandum for unread chat messages and statuses not yet viewed.

The fear that we could be bombarded with notifications, however, has already been removed by those responsible for WhatsApp: the algorithm, in fact, will give priority to the contacts that are most important to us, i.e. essentially those with whom we interact most often. If you want to do without this option, you can still deactivate it completely.