Cycle paths move forward slowly, very slowly. The warning comes from the Court of Auditors and is a good alarm bell (so to speak) both for those who ride bikes, for those who love to go on holiday, for the tourist movement that in our country records constantly growing numbers and for those who have invested in this sector while waiting for infrastructures that are more necessary than ever. “Projects and works are decidedly late, with critical repercussions on the management of the huge resources made available between 2018 and 2023…” explain the accounting judges who in the control report on the planning and implementation of the National System of tourist cycle paths and interventions to support city cycling, put it in black and white. The analysis of the progress of the 10 national cycle routes (including the Florence-Verona Ciclovia del Sole, the Venice-Turin cycle route, the Apulian aqueduct cycle route and the Grande Raccordo Anulare delle Bicicletta in Rome), of 10 low-speed archaeological-cultural itineraries, managed by the Ministries of Infrastructure and Transport, Culture and Tourism does not justify great enthusiasm and “paints” a gloomy picture both with regard to the planning of the works and the design and assignment procedures. In particular, the accounting magistrates specify, the shortcomings that emerged are also linked to the late adoption (August 2022) of the General Plan for cycling mobility, expected since 2018; the procedural slowness observed has directly affected the management of resources, with several critical issues inherent to their effective use and indicative of a truly reduced spending capacity. Another sore point is the insufficient coordination between the Public Administrations involved in the cycle routes to be built and the new projects. “We learn with great concern of these delays – comments Mariano Roman, of Confindustria Ancma, the National Association of Cycle Motorcycle Accessories – The cycle industry has been asking for years for a concrete transition from what has been a logic of incentives for purchase to a more complete logic of incentives for use, which cannot vanish in the face of inefficiencies and fragmentation. Developing a safe and attractive cycle infrastructure is crucial for our sector, it is crucial for urban mobility and it is crucial for cycle tourism, an area in which our country demonstrates a great, still unexpressed vocation, which can offer significant opportunities for growth and of well-being for the territories involved”