Until a few years ago, those who traveled abroad had many problems surfing the Internet. This occurred above all due to the very high costs that had to be met. Today, however, the situation is gradually changing: thanks to EU Regulation 2022/612, European citizens can navigate within the Union under the same conditions they are subject to when they are in their home country. The data traffic limit is defined based on the monthly cost of your plan. Just like last year, telephone operators were forced to reduce the cost of data roamingdue to lower entry costs.
Data roaming: how to calculate the cost in 2024
Given the good news, many users will be curious to know how much is the maximum number of GB they can use while abroad and how much it costs them. To find out, you can do a simple equation: GB volume = (amount of your monthly spending (excl. VAT) / 1.55) x 2. As explained in the previous paragraph, the cost has dropped in 2024; last year, in fact, this was €1.80. With this change, users can access slightly more GB.
All this is possible thanks to the “Roaming like at home” scheme, which provides the possibility of browsing, calling and sending SMS as in your own country. What changes from year to year are the conditions imposed by telephone operators. Currently, finding out how much you can surf in the EU is quite simple: the most important operators – Fastweb, Iliad, Tim, Vodafone, Wind Tre etc. – they provide convenient tools on their websites that allow you, by entering your rate, to discover how much you can browse without going overboard.
Data roaming: costs for browsing beyond the permitted threshold
As previously specified, to find out the number of GB that can be used while traveling in Europe it is possible to rely on the web pages made available by the large telephone operators. Naturally, the cost varies from tariff to tariff, so it is not possible to generalize.
As regards the costs of extra-threshold navigation it is possible to be more specific, as those imposed by the main operators are well known. For each Mb in excess, Fastweb costs €0.22, Iliad €0.001891, Tim €0.21, Vodafone €0.18 e Wind Three €0.18. These tariffs are of course not permanent, they should in fact remain in force until December 31, 2024and then drops further.