Falcomatà, the PD mayor who takes from the poor

What happens in the damask rooms of political palaces? What do deputies whisper to each other between coffees? In Rome there are no secrets, especially in La Buvette. A weekly podcast to tell …

Falcomatà, the PD mayor who takes from the poor

What happens in the damask rooms of political palaces? What do deputies whisper to each other between coffees? In Rome there are no secrets, especially in La Buvette. A weekly podcast to tell all the behind the scenes politics. The agreements, the betrayals and the twists and turns of the leaders down to the smallest parliamentarians ready to do anything to avoid losing their privilege, their seat. The power. Everyone plays their own game, but not everyone manages to win it. Very few will be saved, especially after the seats were cut. Favorite game? Eliminate “the other”. Parliament is the new Squid Game.

Giuseppe Falcomatàthe Piidino mayor of the metropolitan city of Reggio Calabria he is the new Robin Hood, but not like the one in fairy tales! He takes from the poor to give to the rich. With a resolution signed by him, the red mayor of the Strait has, in fact, removed funds from the health and come on social services of his tormented province of Reggio to give them to a village festival. You won’t believe it but it’s true. The thick-haired mayor managed, with a sleight of hand, to “distract” well 140 thousand euros from public coffers.

The municipality (coincidentally red) of Palms, a small town in the Gioia Tauro plain for its Varia, a three-year event that attracts visitors from all over Calabria and beyond. As many as 140 thousand euros subtracted from important expenditure items. 10 thousand euros from social inclusion and civil service; 10 thousand euros from the programming of the network of social, health and social services; 30 thousand euros from the third sector; 80 thousandinstead, from the planning of health facilities. Not a small amount for a land in constant emergency, without social and health services. Money that would have been more than useful to the citizens of the province of Reggio Calabria who, for too long now, have been forced to live without being recognized one of their fundamental rights: that of health.

“The event attracts hundreds of tourists” and, therefore, must be funded. This is the motivation written in black and white in the document signed by Giuseppe Falcomatà on May 10, 2024 that authorizes bureaucrats to drain the accounts – or rather – to “withdraw the resources necessary to guarantee the initiatives” from the spending chapters intended for social purposes. A serious matter, especially if the operation comes from a mayor of Democratic party. A party that, for months now, has made healthcare and the fight against social disparity and inequalities a flag to wave against the government led by Georgia Meloni.

An even more serious fact if you consider that the money taken from the last, to be given to a village festival, could have been vital for a territory on its knees. But you know, the important thing is to celebrate. Even though in Reggio Calabria – as they say in those parts – there are not even eyes to cry with. And the province is on its knees.