Fascist finance company – il Giornale

We confess that in following the marathon for the approval of the Budget we missed some steps. But we are not here to denounce the moment in which the amendment allocating 700 thousand …

Fascist finance company - il Giornale

We confess that in following the marathon for the approval of the Budget we missed some steps. But we are not here to denounce the moment in which the amendment allocating 700 thousand euros for the celebration of the anniversary of the Resistance was voted on, at 5.56 am. Something that as sincere democrats we cannot accept. We are ashamed to repeat it: only 700 thousand euros? And then they say it’s not a government of fascists!

But how? With all the fascism that is swarming? With the wave of despotism that is sweeping the country? With a right that day by day transforms into right-right, then into extreme right, then into ultra-right, super right, hyper right, mega right, giga right! «Doctor, my leg hurts». “Which? The right or the far right?

In short, while everywhere, from Repubblica to La7 – the Ventotene of the schedule – the fascism alarm rings loudly; while the country is filled with disturbing lights with the writing “Xmas”; while denouncing fascism is so urgent that there isn’t even time to study it, what do these people do? Do they allocate a paltry 700 thousand euros for the Resistance celebrations? 700 thousand… Not even the salaries of Mentana and Gruber combined.

But because of how we are surrounded by

fascists must allocate 7 million euros! 70 million! 700 million euros!

Sorry, but we dissociate ourselves. Incredible. Just 700 thousand euros when we have never seen so much fascism around. Especially among anti-fascists.