Dear Director Feltri,
Ilaria Salis says that the government, Giorgia Meloni, Matteo Salvini and any other citizen cannot comment on Salvini’s trial because it is the judiciary that must decide that the leader of the League is not guilty. The same lady explained that Italian prisons are racist and that the proof lies in the fact that there are many or too many non-EU citizens behind bars. Salis also justified the violence against fascists, or those she considers and calls “fascists”, who are bad people who deserve every evil, even to be beaten. Why don’t Fratoianni and Bonelli intervene to silence this young lady who is doing nothing but saying bullshit? The left is not making a good impression.
Gennaro Siano
Dear Gennaro,
you ask me why Nicola Fratoianni and Angelo Bonelli do not invite their protégé to adopt a language more appropriate to the role and arguments that are more respectful of the institutions and principles that form the foundation of our democracy. Right? Well, they do not do so because the nonsense that MEP Salis, who won a seat in Europe by virtue of the fact that she was on trial in Hungary for having beaten up some protesters guilty of not thinking like her and her companions who are part of the so-called hammer gang, spits out is shared by both Fratoianni and Bonelli, subjects of the radical left. It, which takes on increasingly extremist positions and an increasingly deformed and monstrous face, in fact justifies violence when it is directed against a certain political party, justifies certain crimes, such as illegal occupation, justifies certain criminal behaviors, such as illegal entry into Italy, justifies certain criminals based on the color of their skin, as it starts from the assumption that the migrant is always poor and defenseless, a victim of us Italians, who are, instead, racist, fascist, sexist, ignorant and guilty. Guilty also of the crimes of migrants, who make mistakes because we have not loved them enough, welcomed them enough, understood them enough, integrated them enough, fed them enough. Hence the idea that non-EU citizens in prison are detained not because they have made mistakes, or committed crimes, but because we, being racist, have caught them and locked them up in the same way that Adolf Hitler locked up Jews in concentration camps.
You neglected to mention Salis’s proposal to cancel the so-called minor crimes. But there are no minor crimes, in my opinion. Or, if they exist, they are no less pernicious than the major, or serious, ones. Indeed, the former are the prelude to the latter. This is why they must absolutely not be tolerated, this is why they must not be abolished. Everyone must answer for their conduct, especially when the behavior infringes on any right or freedom of others. Preventing this from happening, forgiving everyone, overlooking it, pretending nothing has happened, not punishing, adopting clemency, tolerating petty crime and seeing it as an innate evil that cannot be fought or eradicated from society in any way, as if it were a natural phenomenon, is dangerous, as it festers the evil within the community itself and leads citizens to believe that the State is absent, that respecting the rules is useless, that everything is possible and permitted. Even more so, this unbridled permissiveness, desired and encouraged by the left, instills a sense of irresponsibility and even impunity in young people. And I remember that Salis wants the closure of juvenile prisons, as if the very young who embark on the path of deviance should not be immediately corrected, first and foremost for their own good.
These, dear Gennaro, are the principles of the left. They are not only the ravings of this lady, who, from the height of her arrogance and ignorance, considers the presumption of innocence valid only if applied to her. She is innocent regardless and can declare it, affirm it, shout it, it is the Hungarian magistrates and investigators who are wrong.
Salvini, on the other hand, cannot say he is innocent nor can he be considered as such, although the Constitution, the unknown one, is clear on this point: the accused must be considered innocent until the third degree of judgment. The renunciation of this rule or its arbitrary application is a stab to the heart of the rule of law.