Four (useful) alternatives to the composition with creditors

Ours is a tax system which destroyed the economy. Unjust and persecutory, seasoned with disgusting anti-business propaganda carried out by a bunch of parasites who have never produced a cent and who in this tangle …

Four (useful) alternatives to the composition with creditors

Ours is a tax system which destroyed the economy. Unjust and persecutory, seasoned with disgusting anti-business propaganda carried out by a bunch of parasites who have never produced a cent and who in this tangle of taxes And bureaucracy they wouldn’t even stay up for a week.

The icing on the cake was this two-year tax agreement which will be profited by a few, the most cunning and those who will be able to easily move collections already expected in 2025, cheating the state, a boon for some, a flop in general and in particular on the political front.

Another foolish and unfair operation that starts from the hateful assumption that the matches VAT they are gods tax evaderscarried out with threats and blackmail, which has nothing to do with what is needed: reduction of the tax burden to 15% on all VAT/company numbers without distinction, elimination of taxation of dividends, freedom of choice in social security matters for all and 50% reduction in state tax claims on the paychecks of all employees. is also on Whatsapp. Simply click here to subscribe to the channel and always be updated (free).