The news, or rather the confirmations of what we already knew, come from the spokesperson of the Israeli army who distributed the evidence of much of that information which had already been made known but published very sparingly. Now, however, even if there is no trace of it on the major journalistic networks, the IDF revealed intelligence information and many documents found in the Gaza Strip which confirm the military affiliation of 6 journalists from Al Jazeerathe Qatari broadcaster in Gaza, to the terrorist organizations Hamas and Jihad Islamic.
They are: Anas Al-Sharif, Ala’ Salame, Hassam Shabat, Ashraf Al-Sarraj, Ismail Abu Amr and Talal Al Aruki. The journalist-terrorist Ismail Abu Amr was injured several months ago in Gaza and the documents now published confirm and leave no doubt about his terrorist activitythat the network Al Jazeera he attempted to disavow. The same documents that include personnel tables, lists of terrorist training courses, telephone directories and salary documents for terrorists, which unequivocally demonstrate that they operate and operated as terrorist agents of terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip and are evidence of the involvement of Hamas in Qatar’s media network, Al-Jazeera.
In a Hamas document dating back to 2022 there is a description of how they were provided to Al Jazeera clear instructions on how to cover up a failed Islamic Jihad rocket launch in Jabaliya, which killed several civilians. The instructions included avoiding using the word “massacre” to describe the event, reducing the display of images of the incident and ensuring that panel members did not criticize Hamas. Another document, also from 2022, reveals the instructions that Hamas gave to journalist Tamer Almisshall about his coverage of Islamic Jihad during Operation Breaking Dawn on his program “More Hidden than Revealed.” The instructions were to support the “resistance” in Gaza and to prevent any criticism of Islamic Jihad’s missile capabilities, in light of the high number of failed launches.
The establishment of the secure telephone between Hamas and Al Jazeera is confirmed by other documentation dating back to 2023, a protected line that would have allowed the terrorist organization to communicate with the television channel in a confidential manner and in case of emergency. In the final, it didn’t take long to understand, the documents reveal what was there for all to see those who wanted to know, namely that Hamas has always guided the media coverage of Al Jazeera to serve its own interests, preventing public opinion in Gaza and the rest of the world from discovering the truth about the crimes committed against Gaza civilians even before the violence perpetrated against Israeli civilians. So, documents in hand, the next time they tell you that a piece of news was launched by Al JazeeraIt’s best to think twice before believing it. Actually, three. is also on Whatsapp. Simply click here to subscribe to the channel and always be updated (free)