here is the torture of Hamas on the Palestinians

This article is more to be looked at than to be read. Yes, I am aware that to watch it completely requires courage and strength of mind but knowing and disclosing it is a duty …

here is the torture of Hamas on the Palestinians

This article is more to be looked at than to be read. Yes, I am aware that to watch it completely requires courage and strength of mind but knowing and disclosing it is a duty towards those who have undergone those treatments.

This is also one of those articles that I recommend to those who still support Hamas in good faith in the squares and streets, for others there is no remedy.

The Israeli army spokesman made public videos taken by the Hamas torturers found by the army in a base in Jabaliya on which we see the tortures to which i Hamas terrorists they subjected the Palestinians themselves, ordinary people accused of theft of basic necessities.

Poor hungry people who were trying to recover some of what the terrorists had appropriated by force and threats. The videos of the kidnapped trucks with their loads went around the world and the world didn’t see them, it just didn’t want to see them.

It’s no secret that in the Gaza Strip homosexuals are often subjected to the same treatment and even political opponents always receive their fair share of pain before being “executed”.

The video you can see in this article has already been published across the Channel but in Italy it went unnoticeda shame because in this case it would have been right to take the truth and shout it instead of hiding it.

It is not acceptable that protests in favor of Palestinian civilians they should only be there when you give to Israel the fault of something while everything is kept quiet when it is the terrorists who are guilty of horrendous crimes like those filmed by the CCTV cameras of the hell of Jabaliya.

The Israeli army spokesperson said that the images published are the least violent among those foundyou can well imagine, after seeing the photos and the video in this article, the nature and violence of what, precisely because of the cruelty exposed, we preferred not to publish.

And this time, at least this time, don’t say and Israel too is also on Whatsapp. Simply click here to subscribe to the channel and always be updated (free).