The news was signed by Corriere della Sera at the end of Kamala’s disconcerting speech at the Democratic Party convention. The darling of the international left has shown off a series of author’s supercazzolethe fair of banalitybut the real sore point is inextricably linked to the economic chapter. The program has not convinced even the left-wing commentators in the slightest. Even its supporters have highlighted the grey areas of its project, if we can call it a project. Yes, because Harris’s speech was a sensational populist tirade that would make the first 5 Star Movement envious. However, as anticipated, the Corriere della Sera was not discouraged and pulled out the pearl: the “inevitable” populism, justified by the emergency, that is, by the possible victory of Donald Trump.
If proposals to fight inflation only risk fueling it, Kamala’s only economic priority is middle class. But the quality of his speech confirmed the real point: the need to get votes to Trump and not help – really – Americans crushed by the economy. The use of price controls has left the democratic world perplexed, as have the many fiscal unknowns of his plan. Populist ideas, we were saying. But not only in economics. Harris has forgotten what she promised in the 2020 election campaign, shelving proposals such as the decriminalization of illegal immigration or the ban on hydrocarbon extraction through fracking. is also on Whatsapp. Just click here to subscribe to the channel and always be updated (free)