Yesterday I told you all the secrets of the Democratic convention. But there is one detail that is worth returning to. The much-vaunted Michelle Obamaat a certain point, he says this very strong thing: “We no longer want a world of generational wealth”, that is, a world in which wealth comes from your parents. Now, I find this fantastic and I’m not the only one, so much so that today everyone rightly takes the mickey out of it.
You should know that Mrs. Obama was recently invited to the Oktoberfest. To go there and talk about “diversity and green inclusiveness” she obviously had to pay for a flight, maybe a private one, but the best thing is that for this hour of work she was paid well 750 thousand dollars. All commentators of Fox News they say “are you really making rhetoric about wealth when you get 750 thousand euros for an hour of work?”. Let me be clear: for me it’s fine, if there is someone who pays those figures, Michelle Obama can only be defined as a genius. But I ask the former first lady: don’t you think that your three daughters will not also benefit from a generational wealth? Come onbut what are we talking about?
The extraordinary thing is that the whole American convention is like this. The one who spoke after Michelle Obama was in fact Bernie Sandersthe 80-year-old socialist who can perhaps be described as the most communist man in America. Sanders makes the usual speech about the fact that 1% of the population controls all the world’s wealth and, above all, says “billionaires are our problem”. While on the one hand his socialist positions shouldn’t surprise us, I find it crazy that the one speaking after him is none other than Pritzker, the governor of Illinois who boasts a personal fortune of 3.5 billion dollars.
To recap, at the Democratic convention there is Obama who says that he does not want wealth to be passed down to his children, but in the meantime he takes 750 thousand euros for an hour of work. On the other side then comes Bernie Sanders who says he hates billionaires and that they are America’s problem, and after him who speaks? A billionaire, Democratic governor of Illinois. Crazy stuff.