During Monday’s interview on the show Fourth Republicthe President of Argentina Javier Milei, citing the names of some important liberal and libertarian economists and philosophers, denounced the fact that even in university faculties these names are mostly unknown, in the sense that their thoughts are not studied and proposed to students. Contrary to what happens with economists and thinkers from the socialist area who are instead studied and always served to young students, as if they were the only “gospel”.
A round of applause therefore to President Milei and we welcome finally “crazy people” of this stature. For a series of reasons: he proves himself competent in matters of liberal and laissez-faire economic theories, something mostly absent in the national and international political panorama; knows and disseminates the thoughts of great liberal, libertarian and libertarian economists and philosophers (true economists are also philosophers); and he is trying to apply those theories, certainly having many enemies to guard against, from the right and from the left.
We don’t know if he will be able to achieve his objectives, but a politician who knows the thoughts of, for example, von Hayek well and does not confuse him with the center forward of a football team is already a big step, an indicator of progress.
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