There Scottish LGBT community he certainly cannot complain about the political class. A few days ago the local government led by the national-progressive independentists of the Scottish National Party (SNP) was the worst in the judicial appeal against the constitutional veto on the law on ‘gender free’ imposed months ago by the central government of conservative Rishi Sunak. The canceled text ensured the right to freely change sexual gender from the age of sixteen with the simple registration in an ad hoc register. But now the executive is ready to unveil a new law that aims to combat the phenomenon of conversion therapy but which in reality risks also affecting parents in good faith.
As highlighted by the Telegraph, parents who do not allow their children to change sex risk up to seven years in prison. According to experts, conversion practices have mainly taken place in a family context and for this reason it is necessary to “terrorize” parents who refuse to accept a trans child. But there is also another aspect to consider about this intervention. In fact, the law would also target parents who prevent their children from “dressing in a way that reflects their sexual orientation or gender identity”. We are therefore not talking about homophobic or hyper-conservative mothers and fathers, but about all those parents – in absolute good faith – anxious for their children, especially the younger ones. With all due respect to the Taliban of the rainbow world, it is impossible not to feel worried: it is not at all obvious to allow a little boy to go out wearing makeup and a skirt.
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But Scottish law does not look after anyone and draconian penalties are also foreseen against parents convinced that they are acting in the best interests of children and young people. Alongside new criminal sanctions, preventive civil ordinances could appear against parents and religious leaders, even where conversion practices have not yet taken place. But there is also another aspect that should not be underestimated: the innovations desired by the SNP are serious I risk freedom of speech and privacy in the country. And there are those who are ready to fight: “We are seriously concerned that these plans criminalize loving parents, who could face years in prison simply for refusing to join the cult of gender ideology”, the words of Marion Calder, director of the association For Women Scotland.
L’gender obsession it could give unprecedented powers to social workers, with a devastating impact on therapists and counselors. The spotlight is also on the possible criminalization of opinions given in good faith, just think of the advice given by churchmen: does anyone who invites the faithful not to change sex deserve a fine? A few days in jail? The government has reiterated that it wants to punish exclusively “abuses”, but the law presents significant critical issues, so much so that it is unlikely to receive the green light from the central government.