Polish left silences inconvenient journalist

How much chatter about Telemelonihow many stupidities about the alleged freedom of the press at risk in Italy. We have read all sorts of things, high quality shots, with repercussions also in Europe, between red …

Polish left silences inconvenient journalist

How much chatter about Telemelonihow many stupidities about the alleged freedom of the press at risk in Italy. We have read all sorts of things, high quality shots, with repercussions also in Europe, between red reports and in-depth analyses that are anything but objective. Just think of the Antonio Scurati affair, with the denunciation of a censorship that never existed. Much more worrying when silence falls on a real censorship, as for example is happening in Poland.

At the end of 2023 the left-wing government led by Donald Tusk has Public media heads fired: directors and boards of directors of TV, radio and press agencies removed. As if that were not enough, the signal of Telewizja Polska was turned off, considered “propaganda” of the old conservative government. A worrying signal, yet no one said a word. Now another alarm that should not be underestimated: the censorship against a journalist guilty of criticizing the government.

Bartłomiej Bublewicza journalist for “Panorama” on TVP 2, was suspended for a social media post criticizing the left-wing government. In particular, he targeted the vote of the Polish Socialist Party (PSL) deputies on the bill decriminalizing abortion assistance. “There is no place for the PSL in the government coalition. If I were prime minister, I would even risk early elections,” he wrote on X. The post did not go down well with TVP management, which decided to suspend him and refer the case to the Ethics Committee, reports Press.

The posts published by the journalist have disappeared from social media, a testament to the sensitivity of the matter. The television press office has taken refuge in a “no comment”, the same goes for Bublewicz. The TVP Ethics Committee has established that the reporter violated the principles “of journalistic ethics applicable to Telewizja Polska”. Going into detail, it is the provision according to which “a journalist may not do anything that could undermine the interests, good name, credibility, independence and impartiality of public television and its professional mission”. In other words, censorship in broad daylight.

An ugly story, which we will hardly hear about in the Italian media or in the main European media. Often, in fact, the controversy starts only if the protagonists are countries with right-wing or center-right governments. The Telemeloni-gate is emblematic. But when instead the censorship – real – is signed by the left, especially by the governments considered friends of Brussels like that of the very pro-European Tusk, no one dares to breathe. A bad chapter for freedom of thought.

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