RoboticWay – Iiss Volta De Gemmis of Bitonto (Bari) with PalletBot; The Fabbri – Casa di Carità Arti e Mestieri Foundation of Ovada (Alessandria) with GrindWoodPro; CyberTitans – Iis Luigi Galvani of Milan with Automated intelligent platforms I’m the three winning teams of the first edition of Robotgamesthe high school robotics and automation competition that made its debut in BI-MUthe biennial exhibition of machine tools, robots and automation which ends this Saturday in Fieramilano Rho. The contest, promoted by Ucimu Academythrough Ucimu Foundationand created by Efim Italian Machinery Fairs Authority with the support of Fiera Milano Foundationheld its final yesterday. THE finalist teamsOf 8 institutes several distributed throughout the country, presented their works at the Fair to the public and to the judging commission with the event animated by Greta Gallicontent creator specializing in technology.

First place is the PalletBot project from the RoboticWay team. An automatic pallet conveyor designed to facilitate human work in moving goods in company warehouses starting from the loading and unloading phase from trucks. The solution frees operators from particularly tiring tasks and guarantees greater safety in the workplace. Printed entirely in 3D, PalletBot moves on 4 omni-directional wheels and manages to autonomously define the path thanks to its sensors. “The idea – say the guys on the team – came to us while observing a logistics worker who was unloading the load from the truck with great difficulty”.

Runner up is the GrindWoodPro project by I Fabbri. A machine designed to automate the process of shredding small woody material (branches, branches, small trunks) and the subsequent compaction of the material to obtain small pods useful for fueling stoves, boilers, barbecues. The solution responds to the need to be able to use waste material to obtain a quality recycled product ready for new uses. The application can be in an industrial but also domestic context. This is why it is a decidedly versatile solution. “The idea – explain the guys on the team – was born from the observation of the environment in which we live, purely wooded, and from the desire to develop a machine that meets sustainability criteria”.

Third place It’s the CyberTitans Automated Intelligent Platforms project. It is a robot that performs different functions: thanks to the two mechanical arms it can grab and move objects, with the cameras it can move autonomously in space and, thanks to the card inserted into the robot, it can be programmed for use in the work environment . Combined with the automaton, the team developed a mobile app for smartphones to control the robot from afar, allowing it to be used even by those who are unfamiliar with automation technology.
In addition to the winners, the following participated in the final: 4TPG 23-24 Enaip Professional Training Center in Villazzano (Trento) with assembly of mechanical parts with the aid of an anthropomorphic robot; Team Gae Iis Gae Aulenti of Biella) with My Friend Laser; Righetti Automation – Iis Ten. Remo Righetti from Melfi (Potenza) with RAC – RobArduCar; Team T1NX – Isis Cipriano Facchinetti from Castellanza (Varese) with T1NX; Team Newton, Isis Isaac Newton of Varese) with CromoTransporter.
The prizes with a total value of 20,000 eurosmade available by Efim Ente Fiere Italiane Macchine, divided between the first three classified teams, were delivered this morning during the awards ceremony attended by Riccardo Rosapresident of Ucimu and from Alfredo Mariottigeneral director of the association. In addition to the teams, an award was also given to the teacher and the school the children belong to. The other five teams received, in addition to the certificate of participation, also a small recognition for their commitment to this project.
“We are very happy with this first edition of Robotsgames – said Riccardo Rosa -. The students and teachers were satisfied and showed great enthusiasm. The appointment is with the second edition of which we will soon give all the details”.