Robotics scares: the disturbing “Clone Alpha”, with synthetic organs and veins (but without a face)

The robots are getting closer and closer. Not only thanks to Elon Musk’s prototypes. Clone Robotics has opened pre-orders for the purchase of a robot called Clone Alpha, with synthetic organs, artificial muscles …

Robotics scares: the disturbing "Clone Alpha", with synthetic organs and veins (but without a face)

The robots are getting closer and closer. Not only thanks to Elon Musk’s prototypes. Clone Robotics has opened pre-orders for the purchase of a robot called Clone Alpha, with synthetic organs, artificial muscles and ligaments, called a “musculoskeletal android”. It even has a circulatory system that moves water into the muscles. The only disturbing thing: he doesn’t have a face (ok, there’s time to put one on him).

Many are impressed by the progress of robotics, many are scared because they have seen too many films, from Terminator to Catherine and I (mythical film with a very prescient Alberto Sordi), others are afraid of losing their jobs (although robotics in factories has been around for decades, guys). But beyond what we will do with robots, I want to bring back Elon Musk’s belief in this regard, on something that particularly matters to me: “One day we could transfer our consciousness into a robot and live forever.” Musk says that it is still very difficult, very true, but that it will be possible, and that it is possible is confirmed by many neuroscientists, including Giorgio Vallortigara (“When we understand exactly how our brain works it will not be unthinkable to transfer our consciousness onto a different material support »).

The question is: how long will it take? I’m ready to move into an android right away, as long as, like the replicant in Blade Runner played by Rutger Hauer, they don’t put an expiration date on it.

Hurry, because for us alive time is not so much, and we don’t want to say, as humans but like the android Hauer (in the film Roy Batty), that «all those moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain. It’s time to die.”