Roberto Vannacci at Porta a Porta he spoke in detail about the war in Ukraine as well as the one in Palestine. The general has commanded his men on several missions abroad, so he speaks with good reason. And the position of the League's candidate for the European elections is not dissimilar to that of Matteo Salvini: helping those who are attacked, but trying to sit at the negotiating table. Especially with Vladimir Putin.
To those who point out that this would mean giving up some Ukrainian territories to Russia. Vannacci doesn't rule it out: “I'm cynical, as a general. The concept of 'just peace' escapes me. In the history of humanity the just peace there never was, just that of the winners. And precisely to prevent one side from necessarily defeating the other, we must use any tool to achieve a peace today. We are the victims of recent years of wars that were never won: Bosnia, Kosovo, the Middle East. They have been going on for decades because no one can prevail because someone gets in the way and acts as an interposing force.”
So? Should victory be handed over to Putin? “Peace is a negotiation. And this happens when both are ready to negotiate something”, replies Vannacci. Will Zelensky have to give up Donetsk and Lugansk? “He will have to balance whether” losing territories “is worth another 300,000 deaths or not.” Because in a peace armistice “everyone gives something away”.