Historia magistra vitae! Oscar Wilde said, however, that the high number of second marriages is proof that history teaches nothing at all. Politicians and economists they are among the most virtuous in the discipline of not learning from history and continue undaunted to apply the same theories cyclically: it is known that if you continue to do the same things, the results will not change. Yet, despite the various statist theories and collectivists have generated and continue to generate misery, embarrassing violations of rights of all kinds and under widespread development, in the West legions of economists and politicians continue to pontificate in that direction. And they show the numbers, which would prove the accuracy of their misdeeds, while the facts promptly deny them.
In economic and managerial circles it is said that one of the most widespread practices is that of torture the numbers until they confess what we want to hear. Benjamin Disraeli is credited with saying: “There are three kinds of lies: lies, blatant lies, and statistics.”
By manipulating the numbers and establishing, from generation to generation, new interpretations of the various nuances of socialismundaunted the aligned economists continue to offer saving recipes which promptly lead to the usual results: adopting measures of economic interventionismpolluting the market, with the ultimate aim of demonstrating that market capitalism is the monster, while socialism would be the salvation. And academic careers are also built on this wave, as well as journalistic ones.
He wrote Sergio Ricossa in his book “Damned Economists – The idiocies of a non-existent science” (Rizzoli – 1996): “The easiest method for those who write about economics is the high-mathematical one: just take a book on high mathematics or higher physics, and give an economic meaning to some formally very complex passage. Change the definition of the symbols and do not cite the sources (….) The quotations are found by taking a book at random and opening it at random, according to the method suggested by EA Poe, How to Write a Blackwood Article. The author cited must be unknown: known authors are for schoolchildren and Mike Buongiorno’s quizzes”.
Everything is theorized and done for the good of the community, but the true ultimate goal is less noble. Ricossa again: “Always arrive at conclusions that maximize the probability of winning competitions e obtain paid public positions. Imply that politicians and ‘the rich’ don’t know economics, and that the Rothschilds have made ridiculous mistakes” (Ibid).
The “technical economist” stirs a bit of Keynes mixed with collectivist ideologies seasoned from time to time with new emerging and trendy topics, which can range from happy degrowth, to the circular economy up to environmental sustainability and the fight against climate change. All certified by useless research, carried out in unknown faculties by researchers ready to demonstrate everything that is in line with the new variant of salvific socialism.
Ricossa always wrote: “Talking about ‘Tizio’s theorem’, about ‘Caius’ law’, about ‘Sempronius’ revolution’ without ever explaining who and what it is. Tizio, Caio and Sempronio must be fourth-rate economistswho have never invented anything memorable. The pairings are also good: ‘Tizio-Caio effect’, ‘Tizio-Sempronio paradigm’. ‘But Tizio was the first…’” (Ibid).
Therefore only other economists could unmask the farce, but the “good aligned technical economist” always knows how to argue: “With other economists, talk only about the economics book you read the day before (it may be the only economics book never read). If the author is unknown (preferably Indian or Japanese), there is a 99 out of 100 chance that others haven’t read it. Present it as compulsory reading, but find some flaws in it.” (Ibid)
The politician relies on the technician, and the technician turns the tables on both. Historia magistra vitae!
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