That news that is not news

Good morning,I am a constant reader of Il Giornale and its room. Reading the July 16, 2024 edition, I notice that 3/4 of page 19 is dedicated to the coming out of a …

That news that is not news

Good morning,
I am a constant reader of Il Giornale and its room. Reading the July 16, 2024 edition, I notice that 3/4 of page 19 is dedicated to the coming out of a certain Ralf Schumacher with a ‘romantic’ photo. I borrow his frankness to say: “But who cares!”. Is it possible that even Il Giornale falls in front of a global culture where normal is abnormal while abnormality becomes normality? The desperate situation of peoples without values ​​also depends on this and, in this case, you too are responsible for it.
Good work.

Dear Germano,
I am happy to publish your letter of protest because I essentially agree with its reflection. Who the hell cares about what people, famous or not famous or not very famous, do under the sheets? Yet it seems that today this is our main obsession. Furthermore, declaring oneself gay has become a fashion as well as a way of exalting what turns out to be a virtue: homosexuality. It is a tendency, a propensity, a predilection, certainly not an illness or something to hide at all costs, as happened in the past, but from here to making it an element of value there is a difference. If heterosexuality is not a merit, neither is its opposite. However, those who proclaim themselves homosexual are applauded as if they had won the Nobel Prize or the Olympics.

And here the newspapers publish on the front page the photo of a semi-known guy because he said he was gay. Il Giornale did not consider this to be relevant news, in short we did not even make the opening of the newspaper out of it. And yet, since the newspapers tell the story of society, the fact, which has entered the world public debate, has been mentioned because it was considered worthy of note based on the outcry it has caused. Nothing more. Each reader can then make his own considerations. Maybe someone, like you, will have thought: “What kind of stuff are they publishing?”. Others will have been intrigued. Others will have reflected on how times have changed. And many others will not have even cared about this news. What we want to offer is information that is as complete as possible, which also includes these things that for me, as for you, are just little facts that we don’t give a damn about.

If homosexuality were really considered normal in this society that prides itself on being open and inclusive and free, then all the media, right and left, should not tell us that Ralf Schumacher, known as the brother of the prestigious driver, posted on social media a photograph of himself with his boyfriend.

And then I’m the homophobe, just because I refuse to use the English noun “gay”…

The real homophobia lies, if anything, in this perpetual ostentation, in this desire to emphasize at all costs our presumed modernity, our presumed progressivism, our presumed civilization, congratulating those who have gotten engaged to an individual of their own.

same sex. An attempt to normalize something that, as our falsely enthusiastic attitude betrays, does not seem normal to us.

If it were up to us, that is, the entire, normal community, we wouldn’t even talk about it.