The friendly tax authorities do not exist (not even with the right in power)

The right's “tax friend”? In Italy the reintroduction of income meter! In Europe? Tax harmonization. Despite yesterday's backtracking by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and the political mess that preceded it, the underlying problem remains. The …

The friendly tax authorities do not exist (not even with the right in power)

The right's “tax friend”? In Italy the reintroduction of income meter! In Europe? Tax harmonization. Despite yesterday's backtracking by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and the political mess that preceded it, the underlying problem remains. The bitter truth is that on the tax reform, which Italy desperately needs, this government is also failing to achieve its objective. Fewer and fewer Italians will votenow only the insiders and/or connected in various capacities to the sideshow of the “statisi clan” and their respective families.

Even those “free” voters who still think that voting is a “civic duty” or who go to the polls out of a sense of belonging to the right or left will gradually disappear. The centrist molasses of Renzi, Calenda and the former radicals of Bonino &c does not attract, despite the fact that these parties were born in the buildings through osmosis and/or splits and have not suffered the barrier to entry due to the odious and unconstitutional obligation to collect hundreds of thousands of authenticated signatures to be able to present themselves.

The “outsiders” communicate nothing revolutionary, they ask “+State!” and they are there just to give an appearance of democracy and support our institutional system which is now an oligarchy led by 6 party leaders. Meanwhile, the trough in those controlled by the state, the regions and all the local joints and cost centers continues with direct hiring, filthy waste and budgets in the red. No liberalization of local public services on the agenda, because the party forts cannot be touched and the political management of these sieve caravans is convenient for everyone.

The attacks on INPS and the Revenue Agency continue incessantly, public bodies that have never been in crisis. No cuts, not even to the so-called expanded and/or unproductive public spending. But Italy's problem for the gentlemen is: “tax evasion”. However, their “estimates” clash with the facts: Italy is one of the most abusive states in the worldthe revenue rises every year, despite the paralysis of the GDP which has paralyzed our economy for 20 years due to anti-economic and statist policies carried out by all governments of all colours.

We are among the most corrupt countries in the worldthanks precisely to the excessive power of the parties and the overflow of the political hand into every economic and management area. Italy remains a fiscal and bureaucratic hell for VAT numbers and entrepreneurs, despite the advent of the right in government and the hypocritical pro-business and pro-taxpayer slogans. is also on Whatsapp. Simply click here to subscribe to the channel and always be updated (free)