Open ports, shovels of do-goodism and a medal for welcoming. The left line onimmigration we all know it, but fortunately common sense also reigns in those parts. To be precise in GermanyWhere Sarah Wagenknecht he wants to revolutionize a failed political strategy, even if in reality it is simply a matter of discovering hot water. “We are not against immigration in principle,” he explained to Corriere della Sera: “Problems arise when too many people arrive and there is a lack of infrastructure. In Germany, 700 thousand homes, nurseries and teachers are urgently needed. An overload is created. The other critical point is when the identity of some migrant communities is based on the rejection of the culture of the host country. Let's look at what happens in France, where there are unacceptable parallel realities in which radical Islam is practiced.”
Unlike her European colleagues, Wagenknecht is pragmatic and non-ideological. A conservative (left-wing) line that breaks down the red taboos of recent years. And it's not about populism, but about simple reality. It is no coincidence that the program is aimed at people with medium or low incomes: “Forgotten by everyone, even by the left. Thomas Piketty demonstrated in his book Capital and Economy, statistics in hand, that historically the left has been voted for by the less privileged. Today it is the opposite. Take the Greens, I know it sounds like a cliché: those who vote for them have an academic education, live in the centre, shop in organic shops, drive electric cars. They want to ban everyone from flying, explain why you shouldn't go on holiday in Mallorca and then fly all over the world. It's this double standard that makes people angry.”
Almost another world compared to today's left, just think of Elly Schlein. Unlike colleagues, when it comes to Afd he does not cry out for the return of Nazism, but rationally analyzes that many voters of the old left have gone to the right: “But not because they are racist, nationalist, but because they are dissatisfied. Nobody defends their interests.” Wagenknecht founded his own party in defiance of the trend woke today: “We are not retrograde, homophobic, thank God we have nothing to do with these theses. But from cannabis to prostitution, even on abortion – of course I am in favor of abortion, but not in the eighth month, nor even in the sixth – the left has taken a series of wrong positions.” is also on Whatsapp. Simply click here to subscribe to the channel and always be updated (free)