the square that alarms Europe

More than 2,000 people took part in an Islamist demonstration in Hamburg The protesters, organized by the Muslim Interaction movement, called for the establishment of a caliphate. This time, the demonstrators' posters were blank, with …

the square that alarms Europe

A lot of people, impressive numbers which demonstrate the need not to underestimate the phenomenon. The tone this time was certainly more moderate, perhaps to avoid problems. There has been no shortage of calls to establish a caliphate, but with one fundamental clarification: not in Germany. As if it were acceptable elsewhere. On the other hand, the Muslim Interactive group is not unknown: the authorities have been monitoring it since 2020 and have reported it as “extremist”.

The group is largely made up of students and has the aim of gaining influence throughout Germany, representing a rigorously practiced Islam, abiding by the laws. In other words, radical. The presence of women is emblematic: beyond the aforementioned full veil, all on the edges of the procession. Obviously no space was reserved for “outsiders”, even a journalist was prevented from communicating with the protesters. And we cannot fail to mention the inevitable slogans such as “Allahu Akbar”. For the moment there is no news of other initiatives of this type, but a return to the streets cannot be ruled out: the number of participants is destined to increase further. is also on Whatsapp. Simply click here to subscribe to the channel and always be updated (free).