There total digitalization of our lives and of our activities is not a form of progress towards Freedom, but an increasingly capillary form of control primarily of the states and their relationships with taxpayers.
The only useful digitalisation for taxpayers would be that of online reporting with maximum transparency and clarity of state expenditure, of all its branches and of all investee companies and dependent public bodies. But no.
Digitalization serves Leviathan to control citizens, increasingly subjects and prone to the established authorities. Seeing the kids in line with their cell phones in their hands paying for the snacks bought at the supermarket gives a good idea of dystopian and liberticidal future that they are implementing and no one says anything. They organize out-of-time “anti-fascist” demonstrations without realizing the new form of totalitarianism in which they are immersed: Statism. is also on Whatsapp. Simply click here to subscribe to the channel and always be updated (free)